Baby Fever (Christen Press)

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"Alright, where's the mini Morgan?" Y/n walked into the dining hall with Christen.
Alex had a tired smile, holding the tiny baby in her arms. Y/n was handed Charlie, Kelley making a comment. "Charlie was fussy with me, be prepared Y/n."
Y/n just gave Kelley a weird look, holding Charlie. "Were you fussy, bubs?"
The baby let out a noise that sounded like agreement.
"Well don't worry about her, I think you and I will get along just fine."
"Good luck baby." Chris gave Y/n a kiss on the forehead, heading off to catch up with some other players. Tobin, Ash and Ali were sitting at a table, already having their time meeting the newest addition to the Morgan family.
Christen joined their conversation but couldn't help but let her gaze drift to Charlie and Y/n.
Y/n was sitting on the floor, Charlie in Y/n's lap, Charlie giggling at the strange faces Y/n was making.
"They're cute together, aren't they?" Ali making a general comment, knowing her wife and Tobin would catch on.
Christen broke her gaze saying, "Yeah, I'm glad Alex and Kelley were able to adopt Charlie, they're going to be an amazing family."
Ali and Ash gave each other a look, Tobin deciding to tease her best friend. Putting her hand on Christen's forehead, as if to check Christen's temperature.
Chris tried to back away but Tobin moved her hand away, not knowing why Tobin did that.
"Oh yeah, Press I think it's serious. Maybe you need to go lay down for a bit."
"Preferably on a bed." Ash's comment got a soft punch from Ali.
Christen's eyes went wide once she understood what they had been implying.
Before Chris could defend herself in any way high-pitched giggles caught the group's attention.
Seeing Y/n with Charlie playing and goofing around, they all went back to the conversation but Chris kept her eyes on them.
Hearing someone clear their throat, Press turned around. All of her teammates gave Press a look.
"It's that obvious?" Chris asked, almost disappointed.
"Only a little."
"How is Y/n doing that?"
Kelley watched Y/n and Charlie, who were fast asleep.
"I don't know but whatever it is I'm not complaining," Alex said with a heavy sigh, resting against her wife.
Y/n had been watching Charlie more than anyone during the camp, Press just falling in love with the idea more and more that one day Y/n would be holding their child instead.
"One day better hurry up."
Tobin chuckles at Press's words, "Maybe talking to Y/n might help?"
Press looked confused for a moment, "Did I say that out loud?"
Christen sighed resting against her locker. Returning to the thoughts in her head.
Ali sitting next to the two, "That little fever going down any time soon, Chris?"
"No, and it's bad," Tobin answered for the distracted woman.
Ali smiled looking over at her wife, who was quietly talking with Y/n.
"Oh no, don't tell me it's contagious." Tobin joked seeing both women in a dream-like state.
"Not exactly." Ali bit the inside of her mouth wondering if she should tell anyone, "Ash and I were looking into adoption the other day."
The two women congratulated Ali, and not soon after did they hear Charlie's giggles.
Ash smiled, tickling Charlie's belly as Y/n held her.
"You'd be great with kids, Ash," Y/n said knowing that Ali and Ash wanted to start a family.
"Maybe look in the mirror first, I've lost count of the number of times Charlie has wanted you over everyone."

"She's just a really good kid."

"I think some would disagree." Ash spared a glance to her wife also noticing Press was looking in their direction.

"I don't know if Ali wants me talking about it but she and I were looking at adoption."

"That's great news, Ash, I'm happy for you guys."

"Thanks, and maybe you and a certain someone should start talking about certain things too." Ash was trying to hint at Christen's baby fever to help put her out of her misery.

"Hey I've tried to get Sonnett to propose to Horan for a while but at this point, she's just to chicken."

Emily hearing this her face went red, glad that Lindsey had already gone out to the field to practice.

"I'm working up to it," Emily said defensively, the team looking at her questioningly.

Y/n turning to the woman, "All beating Charlie will be in college by then say I."


"All in favor of Sonnett getting guts before then?"


"I hate you guys."
Charlie was playing on the sideline during one of the practices, having a little umbrella to help protect her from the sun.

The players getting a little water break from the scrimmage game, Y/n walked over to the little spot.

"Hey Charlie, how's the view from here?"

Charlie just laughed at Y/n.

"Oh, I see how it is, well why don't I just come down there." Y/n's back now on the ground, Y/n scooted under the shade.

"Let us watch the peasants from here, yes?"

Charlie just made an excited sound, climbing onto Y/n's stomach.

"Does the Queen demand a better view?"

Charlie lets out giggles, "I'll take that as a yes."

Y/n held Charlie, getting off the grass and grabbing the umbrella. Resting it on the shoulder Charlie was closest to, so she was still protected.

Walking the field, Y/n headed over to Alex and Kelley, "Hey how's our little girl doing?"

"Her majesty has decided to take a stroll."

The two laugh at Y/n's antics but sadly the visit didn't last long as Coach was ending the water break already.

"I guess it's back to the court for you."

Y/n jogged over to the sideline, making sure Charlie was on the blanket and the umbrella properly propped up. Y/n then ran over to the group to hear what the coach wanted them to do next.

After the coach decided to just do another round of scrimmage but switched a few people around.

Y/n was walking to start but Chris pulled Y/n aside. Grabbing Y/n by the jersey and pulling Y/n into a kiss.

"I love kissing you Chris but what was that for?"

"You and I, tonight, we're going to start planning for a baby." Chris pulled Y/n in for another smaller kiss until Coach blew the whistle.

Y/n was left stunned and after processing Press's words started to turn red just like Sonnett did.

Tobin, Ash, and Ali watching the flustered Y/n from afar.

"You think Chris finally talked to Y/n?"

"Definitely. By the way, still have those earplugs?

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