No, my Fiancée (Alyssa Naeher)

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No matter how many times it happens.

No matter how easy it is to deal with.

It was never not annoying.

And it will never be inevitable.


It was supposed to be an easy practice but then it started raining and one thing lead to another and it ended in Y/n L/n getting a serious concussion.

After trying to get a header into the goal another player jumped up at an awkward angle making the two collide.

Y/n was barely awake when the medical staff took her off the field, Alyssa asking Valtko if she could be with Y/n. When Alyssa was giving the okay she bolted, following her girlfriend.

It took a bit for them to examine Y/n but they finally gave her the proper medication and then letting Alyssa watch her to make sure Y/n didn't fall asleep.

And while they talked for a little bit Y/n stared at Alyssa for a moment before humming and looking away.

Naeher was too curious to let this go, "What was that?"

"You're pretty but I have a fiancée and she's prettier-er." Y/n leaned forward a little. Alyssa was baffled, to say the least.

"A fiancée?"

"Yeah, and she's super pretty."

"Who's... your fiancée?" Alyssa had to force the question out wondering what the hell Y/n meant.

"Lyssy Naeherrrrrrrrrrr." The medication was taking its toll.

"I think that's your girlfriend, not your fiancée." Alyssa let out a breath she didn't notice she somewhat held.

"No, my fiancée. See this?"

Y/n dug into the pocket of her sweatshirt and pulls out a ring.

"My fiancée."

Alyssa's face was the definition of being shocked

Horror was written all over Y/ns' "Crap, I forgot to ask her."

Y/n somehow put the ring back in its hiding place before laying down and moving her legs like they were walking.

Practice was just ending and some of the people were on the way to visit Y/n, not expecting the sight they got when they had walked into the room.

Y/n was almost flailing her legs while Alyssa was kind of trying to stop her.

They all had to take a minute to look at what was happening while Becky walked next to Y/n.

Y/n stopping when she saw Becky.

"Becks I need help."

Becky smiled at Y/n, "What do you need Y/n?"

"I need to find Lyssy!"

"Oh yeah why?" Becky was finding this too funny, accidentally forgetting that her friend had told her plan to propose a few weeks ago.

"I didn't propose to her!"

Everyone stiffened at Y/n's words.

Becky somewhat tried to salvage this so maybe Alyssa would somehow still be supposed.

"Y/n... she- well... I think she... you know what Y/n can get herself out of this."

Christen and Ali gave each other a look making both of them sigh. Christen going to get a sweatshirt for Alyssa.

Ali walked up to the goalkeeper, saying, "sorry" while undoing Naeher's ponytail and letting it down naturally, making it go on one side more than the other.

Ali was also blocking Y/n's view of Alyssa and visa versa.

Christen returned not a moment later and tossed Ali one of Alyssa's sweatshirts.

Ali handed it to Naeher so she put it on. Ali then said to Becky, "Help me with this one." Ali then gestured to Y/n who looked like she was in a different world.

Ali draped Y/n's feet off of the makeshift bed, while Becky turned her and pushed her up. Ali making sure she doesn't fall over.

After seeing she didn't tip over after leaving her alone for 20 seconds they both backed off but staying close just in case.

Y/n looked at Naeher and blinked a few times before asking, "Why didn't you tell me you have another twin, Lyssy? She looked just like you."

Y/n pointed accusingly but that was a mistake because both of her arms were supporting her. She started leaning forward to the side before Alyssa stood up while catching Y/n.

Alyssa put herself between Y/n's legs, Y/n now being able to use Alyssa for support.

Y/n looked at Naeher for a little bit, blinking yet again a notable amount of times before reaching into her pocket.

Pulling out the ring for a second time, Y/n started at it for a moment or two.

"I swear I had a whole speech and everything, Lyssy."

Kelley was standing next to Tobin and Ash, and grumbled, "Yeah right."

Alex gave her an elbow to the side and a glare with it.

"You make me really really happy. And I wanna make you really really really happy for the rest of our lives, if you would give me the chance, Lyssy. I'd love too. Marry me?"

Alyssa felt the tears wanting to start since Y/n was staring at the ring. Letting a few go Alyssa said, "I'd love that too. Yes I'll marry you, Y/n."

The team cheered while Y/n slipped the ring on Alyssa's finger, kissing once it was on.

"This was going to be one hell of a story for the mini Naeher's and L/n's start running around." Ash made a general comment.

"I don't think Y/n will ever be allowed to forget this."

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