Blankie! (Krashlyn x Child!Reader)

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Blankie is often what Y/n called the blanket Aunt Lyssa had gifted to the small child.

It didn't seem like much but to Y/n is was the greatest thing in the world.

Keeping the monsters at bay and acting as a shield whenever it was around Y/n, it was hard to separate the two.

Ash had often resorted to getting up in the earlier hours of the day, seeking into the child's bedroom and grabbing the blanket to wash it.

Ali was a bit more forward with it, but making a promise that Blankie would always come back nice and warm from the dryer really helped.

But unfortunately, on a day like today, neither methods were an option.

Today was one of Y/n's soccer games that were with kids around the same age, some a little older but not by a lot.

Y/n was use to mom and mommy towering over like giants, Y/n was even okay with Sam at the height she was. But those were all people; to Y/n, who would never hurt a fly.

The older kids on the field were a different story. Y/n had seen some of them play before, and the height advantage they had didn't help one bit.

"Hey bubs, what's up?" Aunt Chrissy and Aunt Toby were visiting Orlando on a brief trip they couldn't resist seeing their nibling's first soccer game. Along with Aunt Kelley, who was currently analyzing Y/n's opponents.

"Don't like 'em." They both narrowed their eyes looking where Y/n was, to see if they would see who Y/n was talking about.

"Who bubs?"

"Other team. Tall and scary." Y/n brought Blankie closer, using it as cover.

"I promise they won't get you, bubs."

Y/n still had a look of uncertainty, Ash and Ali coming up to their family, done getting the chairs and snacks from the car.

"Still no like 'em."

Ash and Ali gave each other a confused look, looking at Christen or Tobin to clarify.

"Y/n doesn't like the players on the other team because they're tall and scary."

Ash and Ali suddenly understood why Y/n was clutching onto the blanket tighter than normal.

"Hey Y/n, I promise they're just like your Aunties when you play soccer with them. They're just more your age, okay?"

Y/n still wasn't completely okay with going onto the field.

"And what mama said, remember Blankie can't go on the field with you."

Y/n held Blankie tighter if it was even possible.

Kelley had been listening to the conversation, walking over to Y/n.

"Hey kid listen..." Kelley started to whisper to Y/n, until Y/n had a small look of shock Kelley pulling away, "think you can do that for me kid?"

Y/n nodded quickly running over to Ash, "Here Mama. You need Blankie more 'em me."

Y/n jogging over to the team the kid was on left Ali to ask, "Kelley what did you say to our child."

"Oh nothing just that mama needed Blankie to keep the homophobic snakes away."

"O'Hara you are so dead!"


The game wasn't as intense as any of the women were use to, more of a game of pass than anything.

Y/n was doing well but it didn't help being one of the younger kids there, the older ones taking over the ball and the game.

But as the family watched the ball being worked down the field, they also saw Y/n running with an older kid next to Y/n who was doing a fast jog.

Ali and Ash knew it was nothing, just two kids running next to each other.

Except when the older kid started to slow down, Y/n taking the advantage to go in front, the older kid now tailing Y/n.

Everything seemed to be going fine until Y/n tripped on thin air.

Going down fast the older kid didn't have time to stop, stepping on Y/n's ankle. The kid moved off as fast as possible, once they could.

Ash was the first one on the field, not caring if the game was still in play, Ali close behind her wife.

Once the ref realized what happened, he stopped the game, going over to Y/n.

Y/n sat up, eyes glossing over, holding the ankle.

"Hey how bad does it hurt bubs?" Ashlyn asked while trying to see the ankle.

"Bad." Was all Y/n said.

"Hey we need to see your ankle Y/n, can you move your hands?" Ali's soft voice made Y/n comply, wanting the pain to stop. Ali rubbing Y/n's back, trying to calm Y/n down.

They could tell it wasn't broken, worried it could still be serious Ash grabbed Y/n and carried the kid off of the field.

Setting Y/n down in one of the chairs, Ali and Ash take another look at the ankle, Ali saying, "We need to take Y/n to a doctor, have an x-ray. Just to make sure it's nothing."

"Yeah, that's probably the best thing to do."


Y/n held Blankie close as the doctor came back in with the x-ray, "Well, good news, it turns out it's just a bad sprain." All of the women were relieved, Y/n still nervous with the doctor in the room.

"Just keep some ice on it, we'll send you home with some painkillers that are also muscle relaxers and it should heal up in less than a week."

The moms thanked the doctor who headed out, Ash helping Y/n down from the big chair, "You ready to go home bubs?"

Y/n nodded, already trying to rush out the door.


Ash held Y/n against her chest, the young one ready to fall asleep, Ash slowly rocking Y/n.

"Shhhh, go to sleep bubs, you need it." Heading to Y/n's room, Ash laid Y/n in the small bed. Ali following to tuck Y/n in. Making sure Blankie was covering Y/n.

Ash kneeling next to Y/n while Ali was sitting on the edge of the bed.

Ali started to hum a lullaby her mom use to sing to her, Ash rubbing Y/n's head, making sure Y/n fell in a deep sleep.

After a minute or so Ali and Ash quietly went out of the room, closing the door behind them. They walked to their own bedroom ready for sleep.

"Do you think Y/n will remember what Kelley said?"

"For Kelley's sake, I hope Y/n doesn't."

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