Ride or Die (Christen Press) Part 2

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"Hey baby is everything ready?"

"Yeah, I think so."

Christen let out a deep sigh, Y/n walking up behind her, hugging Christen from behind.

"What's wrong?"

"I know the team is going to love you but I'm nervous."

"It's okay to be nervous angel. They already know about us, so at least that's out of the way."

Christen sighed again, about to come up with something else to worry her when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Y/n said leaving a kiss on Press's shoulder, heading to greet the team.

Just as Y/n opened the door, Sonnett raised her fist to knock again, nearly hitting Y/n. Sonnett gave a semi-apologetic look mumbling "sorry".

"It's alright, come on in guys."


Everyone comes in with their own snacks and such, Christen and Y/n providing more snacks like nachos. The team getting ready to select a movie, some even suggesting a show to binge until the early hours of the morning.

The team had found places to relax while Ash and Ali along with Y/n and Christen were on the couch.

The two couples watched as the team battled it out. Y/n noticed Christen was trying to put her hair in a simple braid.

"Let me baby," Y/n mumbled to Press, getting on the back of the couch so Christen didn't have to move as Y/n braided her hair.

Y/n missed the smiles from Ash and Ali but Christen didn't, deciding not to point it out.

Some of the team had also noticed the gesture, looking at each other to see how they were going to give the talk.

Christen's hair was done Y/n moved back, and the two rested against each other, just a handful of players now noticing the two.


Surprisingly the movie was decided and even more surprising that it was a horror movie.

It didn't take long for the two to start making their own speculations on why the movie was chosen.

Y/n was leaning towards the idea of the team seeing how easily scared Y/n was. Christen decided to lean more toward how Y/n would react to her being scared.

Luckily for both of them, the movie was one they had seen on one of their first official dates. Although both of them weren't completely focused on the movie then so there was still a jump scare or two that they didn't suspect.

In one silent part of the film, everyone got scared by a body falling out of the ceiling nearly deafening each other with their screams.

Y/n had been startled back to reality accidentally zoning out and Christen was admittedly getting a headache from everything.

Before Y/n could raise a question to Press, knowing something was off, Chris simply mumbled "I'll be right back" and left Y/n on the couch.

Not caring if her teammates were there or not, Y/n moved as quickly as possible to get to Christen to see what was wrong.

Y/n caught up to the woman in their bathroom, seeing Press take some pain medication. The concern of one of her old injuries flaring up started to set in.

"I'm getting a headache it's nothing worth worrying over."

Christen could sense the uneasiness from Y/n.

So Christen turned toward Y/n, giving a small kiss.

"I promise."

Y/n just hummed, thinking out loud for a moment.

"You know I could probably still intimidate them into leaving. I haven't completely trashed my badass reputation in front of them."


Y/n chuckled at the comment, "Only for my angel."

Giving a final kiss they headed back to the group. Kelley makes a joke to the two, "Thought you two got lost back there, we were about to draw straws to see who could take one for the team."

The two simply rolled their eyes but they were both blushing to some extent, making the group laugh more.

Thinking they'd go back to watching the movie they went back to their spot.

And to everyone's surprise, Press moved to cuddle with Y/n. As the big spoon and Y/n looking more than content being the little spoon.

Ali and Ash share a knowing look at the couple that everyone missed. The rest were looking at each other again, some started to doubt if they even needed to give Y/n the shovel talk.


With the movie nearing its conclusion, Y/n noticed how Christen's breathing had evened out.

Carefully moving Christen's arms that made it to Y/n's torso, Y/n had gotten up to see Press fast asleep from the pain meds.

Y/n gently picked up and held Press about to carry her to the bedroom but was reminded of the team still being there when one cleared their throat.

"Uhhh..." Y/n took a moment to think of something. Christen distracted Y/n briefly as she held onto Y/n tighter and buried her face in Y/n's neck, thankfully staying asleep.

"I'm going to make sure Christen gets to bed, I trust all of you remember where the front door is. I'll be back in a minute."

Carrying Press to the bedroom, Y/n set her down on the bed. And before Y/n could leave Christen whispered, "Can you stay?"

"I'll be back in a moment baby.

Christen nodded and quickly went back to sleep.


Y/n was somewhat surprised to see the team clean up everything, making it nearly spotless, someone even taking care of the plates Y/n had out for everyone.

Biding them all good night and 'thank you's Y/n was thrown off when Kelley did the "I'm watching you" gesture.

"I know your game." And before anything Kelley walked out of the house, happy Press found someone good.

And the team watched Y/n's head tilt slightly, brows furrowed. They all knew Y/n was too much of a softie to even think about hurting their Press.

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