The Chill Isn't Working (Tobin Heath)

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"So I'm here in the Rose Bowl stadium, where me and some people you might know while be joining me later in two week to take on one of the most amazing soccer teams in the world, the US women's national team. Yes, you heard me correctly. But just to make this a bit more exiting every dollar made from the match from the seats people buy to other's donations, all of it will be going to charities across the country. So please join me to make a difference, and even have a good laugh in two weeks."

(Y/n) sighed sitting down on one of the benches, she was the one that made the video and right now she was looking at the rag tag team that was going to try and stand a chance against the uswnt.

There were a few A list celebrities she wasn't friends with and just wanted to help out with the charity effort but a few notable mentions are Kristen Bell, Emily Blunt, Emma Waston, Natalie Portman, and Taylor Swift.

They had the two weeks to "train" and get themselves at least familiarized with the rules of the game. But whatever the outcome was it was going to be a success to (Y/n).


"Come on Tobin, this match is going to be easy but you still have to pay attention." Alex brought Tobin to reality after a hard chill moment before the game.

Tobin nodded her head to show Alex she got her attention and said, "Okay." They get lined up in the tunnel and waited to go out onto the field.

She heard the announcer come on, "Let's bring out the teams."


The National team was wearing their normal gear while their rivals were wearing orange shirts and black shorts.

The teams were in their starting positions waiting for the result of the coin toss, (Y/n) and Becky standing with the ref as she looks at the coin. The ball is given to the national team and it's looking even slimmer than before for the other team.

The game had been going for at least 3 minutes when (Y/n) didn't let the ball get carried over too far on their side as she stole it from Rose when she was about to pass it to another player.

The crowd was in shock and so were the teams as (Y/n) drove it down the field, Ali Kreiger quickly getting on (Y/n)'s tail so she passed it back to an open teammate.

(Y/n) whistled  as she ran closer to the box and Taylor, the one who had caught her pass, kicked the ball to (Y/n). Who gave the final kick with her foot into the goal, brushing the post as it curved in.

The crowd went wild as the national team was in quite a shock, recovering as they went back to staring but (Y/n) noticed she now had THE Tobin Heath on her.

(Y/n) tried not to let that bother her but nothing really happened as she pushed back the ball as the national team tried to score. (Y/n) looked at the clock and it was almost time for the first half to be over.

Tobin some how had possession of the ball and she was making her way down field as (Y/n) tailed her, now neck and neck (Y/n) used all the speed she needed and overtook Tobin, blocking her from scoring or passing it to anyone in front of her.

Tobin's solution was to nutmeg (Y/n). So she quickly preps up for it but (Y/n) saw her legs change and as the ball left Tobin's foot (Y/n) redirected her own.

Catching the ball that was about to pass through her feet.

(Y/n) was as dumbfounded as Tobin but (Y/n) managed to kick the ball back and turn her own body to now push it towards her own goal. Her heart was racing as she got to the middle of the field, looking at the clock seeing less than 30 seconds on it and made a last ditch effort to make a goal.

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