I Dare You (Krashlyn)

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Out of all the matches that could have happened, it was this one.

The Pride vs The Courage.

It was going to be treated like any other match, the teams almost ready to walk onto the field.

"Ready to kick some butt L/n?"

"With my beautiful mates backing us? I'll go onto that field any day." Ali blushed at Y/n's words and Ash kissing the back of Y/n's neck.

"Let's just hope Hinkle keeps her distance." Ash almost growled at her own words, not liking being apart from her omegas while that homophobic alpha was close.

"Don't worry, we can handle ourselves, just because she's an alpha doesn't mean she's as strong as one."

Y/n's backhanded comment made the locker room fill with laughter and snickering.

Before anyone else could voice their dislike towards the player anymore, it was time to hit the turf.


The match was getting more rough and physical as the game went on.

Tackles from both sides getting rather dangerous.

The teams were tied with no one scoring any points, both teams getting frustrated.

They were working the ball down to Pride's side, Ashlyn getting ready to save when Ali swiped the ball away from them. Ali then tried to get it to the other side of the field failing to see an incoming defender.

Hinkle came in with a dirty tackle, almost taking out Ali's ankles.

When Ali's mates saw this they were furious, to say the least.

Y/n basically stomping past Hinkle, more worried about Ali than anything. Y/n offering a hand to Ali, helping her up.

When Y/n knew Ali was fine Y/n wanted to turn around and break Hinkle's ankles in turn but the hand on Y/n's shoulder stopped her. A growl threatening to come out.

"She's not worth it."

Y/n looked back at Ali, "Agree to disagree."


Y/n was more than halfway down the field when Hinkle was trying to cut in again and Y/n was close to scoring but Y/n saw Hinkle by some miracle and jumped over the defender.

Y/n kept the ball in play and headed for the goal now a clear and easy shot, barely missing the crossbar; the ball went straight into the net.

The people cheered as the team crowded around Y/n to celebrate, Ali was the first to hug Y/n.

Ash was staying by the goal because they still have a match but Y/n winked when they made eye contact, Ash rolling her eye but smiling nonetheless.

Going back to starting Y/n had to be close to Hinkle, dampening her mood.

Y/n ignored the defender as much as she could, trying to get the ball in Orlando's possession while being targeted by the Alpha.

Y/n just got the ball back from a Courage player and handed it off to Ali so she could push it forward.

Not even having possession of the ball anymore Y/n was caught off guard when a force pushed her from behind. Y/n stumbled, managing to steady herself before she fell.

Y/n looked in front of her and saw Hinkle on the back of the jersey that just tripped her up, only having a moment of panic before she saw Ali being shoved down.

Y/n rushed over to her and saw Ali was already trying to get up, Y/n helped her asking, "You okay, baby?"

"Yeah I think so." Y/n breathed a sigh of relief before turning to the direction of Hinkle.

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