I'm Back (Krashlyn)

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(Y/n) was nervously standing at the entrance of the house. Holding flowers in one hand and her phone in the other so she could text Kyle Krieger of her secret arrival. The reason why she was hesitating was because she hadn't seen the owners of the house for almost two years because she was in the military.

Ashlyn Harris and Ali Krieger meant the world to (Y/n). They are her world.

So it was nerve racking to see them again. And also wagoner else that might be there. She knew a couple of people from the national team were hanging over at the house today.

Kyle had been her spy for the past week, wanting to completely surprise everyone. She only hoped he kept the secret as secretive as he could. (Y/n) took one last deep breath and texted Kyle that she was waiting outside, putting the phone on her pocket.

It only took a minute but Kyle stood at the door, now open, with a big smile and open arms. "Hey Kyle." (Y/n) quietly said while she accepted the hug from Krieger.

"Hey yourself, I'm bursting at the seems for them to see you again." (Y/n) nodded in agreement as she still felt her nerves.

"I just hope they aren't too mad about missing two years of each other's lives." Kyle chuckled and let (Y/n) in closing the door with as little noise as possible. "Please if they're ever mad at you for more that 10 minutes, the world is ending."

Kyle made (Y/n) feel a little better but she went back to square one when she heard Ali from the kitchen, "What are you doing, Kyle?" (Y/n) moved like lightning hiding in the corner from Ali's line of sight as she heard Kyle cover their tracks.

"Just thought I heard something, don't worry about it." Ali was a little suspicious but brushed it off.

Kyle looked at (Y/n) for a brief moment sending her a wink only she could see before following his sister to the kitchen. (Y/n) to another minute or two before she decided to do it, and just ripe it off.

She walked into the entrance of the room and put her attention on the flowers and said, "I have a special delivery for a... Ali Krieger?"

(Y/n) looked up with a bright smile to see a shocked Ali with her jaw dropped, hands covering her mouth. The defender bolted to her and hugged the life out of (Y/n), making her chuckle.

She almost dropped the flowers from the force but managed to keep them in hand while she returned the hug. "I missed you, so much (Y/n)."

Kyle grabbed the flowers from her and held his phone, recording the sweet reunion. When they loosened their grip on each other to connect their lips together. (Y/n) felt chills run down her spin, not being able to kiss either of her wives in a long time.

They only separated when oxygen became a problem. Ali had a few happy tears, that (Y/n) whipped away with her thumb. Ali also whipped a few stray tears for (Y/n), that she didn't even notice. But then there was a sudden shout, "She's back!"

A very exited Sonnet jumped into (Y/n)'s arms, thankfully being caught before she face-plates it on floor. They laugh at her antics but (Y/n) put Sonnett back down and saw a few more people outside.

Looking very preoccupied with a animated debate. (Y/n) wasn't able to do anything before being dragged by the arm courtesy of Emily Sonnett, the others following in amusement.

The players unaware of a certain persons arrival, the debate still in full force. "Maleficent is the most evil."

"Cruella De Vile wanted to skin puppies for a coat!"

"Key word; wanted to. She didn't succeed but if the prince hadn't shown up sleeping beauty would have stayed asleep."

Christen Press and Kelly O'Hara where determined to prove their points. (Y/n) and Emily were just standing there until (Y/n) decided to prove both of them wrong.

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