Stars Colliding (Tobin Heath)

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Y/n was in some light clothing, compared to some of the people around her who were dressed like they were going to Antarctica.

Looking over the field, Y/n noticed a familiar face warming up for the match ahead.

"I thought I might find you here."

Christen's voice startled Y/n who chuckled, "Well, she went to my first games, thought it was only fair to return the favor."

Press took the spot next to Y/n, "It probably takes a stronger stomach attending a rugby match than a football one."

"American or European?"

"Don't even ask that."

Y/n chuckled at Press saying, "You're right it's more brutal than both combined."

"In all honesty, I am very impressed with your teams. And you Press. Stepping away from the sport that's become your life to take some personal time, I respect that."

"Thanks, it means a lot."

A comfortable silence fell on them as they look to the field, but as Chris watched Tobin she remembered there was something her and Y/n needed to talk about.

"I know you and Tobs have been together for a while and I'm glad Tobin is happy with someone like you. You should have seen how excited she was when she found out you were attending her first Arsenal game."

Y/n nodded not really knowing what to say, "She's an amazing woman."

"That being said, hurt her and there are more than 20 people ready to murder you, giving the opportunity, got it?"

"I'd throw myself off of a cliff before I even think about it Press."

Y/n was looking at Press and told she wanted a more serious answer.

"Loud and clear Press."



Y/n wasn't really watching both reams fight it out on the field, mainly because of the attention Tobin commanded when she was on the pitch.

Intentional or not, Tobin put on a show, even an act sometimes.

So graceful with the ball, in complete control, not letting anything get to her.

Y/n had always admired other sports but when seeing Tobin on the field for the first time, it was the only time Y/n had ever seriously considered doing something other than rugby.

It was a welcomed change of pace rather than the constant harshness and bulldozing of Y/n's sport.

Y/n would also be lying if she said Tobin's sport didn't have its moments.

The dirty tackles.

The onslaught of trying to takeout each other's ankles out.

Before Y/n could continue the list, the halftime whistle broke the train of thought.

Getting her phone out, Y/n started to text Tobin, mainly encouraging her on how she looked on the field. For both beauty and skill.

Tobin could only chat for a minute before having to get back to the team so Y/n let her do so.

Then going to social media, wondering why there were so many notifications.

Y/n almost laughed, a lot of the fans had "spotted" Y/n and Christen.

Some of them even suggesting they were in a polyamory relationship, supporting their girlfriend, Tobin.

Some thinking Y/n and Christen were together.

But the majority were Preath fans that didn't even know Y/n.

It never bothered Y/n, being shipped with some of her own teammates as well. All that mattered was that Y/n knew Tobin was going to be the girl she'd eventually marry.

Putting the phone away, Y/n looked onto the field, waiting for halftime to end.


Y/n was escorted by security down to the locker rooms, to see Tobin again.

Tobs had barely come out of the locker room, already ready to go home when she saw Y/n. Tobin smiled even brighter, jogging to Y/n, jumping into Y/n's arms.

"Baby you made it."

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Y/n was only a little surprised when Tobin kissed her, but she wasn't complaining.

Once they pulled apart, they both took a moment to collect themselves, "Tobs you were amazing out there."

"I'm just happy you came."

Y/n hummed saying, "I was really hoping you'd join me in a night walk on the beach."

"I'd love to."


Y/n tried to keep her eyes to the sky, admiring the stars that were already out but it was hard when Tobin's eyes seemed like they contained millions of stars.

"You know if you keep staring at me you'll miss the light show." Y/n just hummed, brushing some of the hair out of Tobin's face. Kissing Tobin's temple, Y/n saw Tobin's face light up but her smile got bigger and Tobin was pointing to the sky.

Y/n looked, now curios, almost gasping as a shooting star came in to view.

Two more went by and the sky seemed to go quiet.

Now it was Tobin's turn to admire Y/n.

Normally Y/n would be so serious during games and some caused more pain than others, Tobin was often astounded on how Y/n kept going.

And seeing Y/n with joy while looking at something they both love was a nice change.

And even if neither of them spoke they knew what the other was thinking.

I love you.

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