Running Home (Krashlyn) Part 2

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Y/n got back to her flat, flopping down onto the small sofa with a deep sigh. A weak growl resonated in Y/n's chest as the phone in her pocket rings.

Pulling out the device, Y/n stops making the noise as she recognizes who's calling.

"Hello there, my darlings." Y/n's voice was soft and somewhat hoarse from some of the shouting she did during the match.

"Congrats on the win, babe." Y/n let out a small huff, recognizing Ash's voice.

"Thanks but if you saw the game, you probably saw the interview too, Ashlyn," Y/n said in a slightly firmer tone.

"I know, I know but can't an Alpha just check in on her mate?" Y/n wanted to argue the point but she knew Ash already proved her point. Considering Y/n had checked on Ali and Ash, too.

Y/n's tone became soft again almost mumbling, "Okay, how are you and Ali doing?"

"We're both doing good but we really miss you, Y/n." Y/n noticed the drop in her tone, Y/n sighing. It didn't help Ash and Ali couldn't visit either because Pride's management is being extra unbearable.

"I know babes, maybe after this game Coach won't put me in the next game so I can head back to the states even if it's only a short visit." Y/n had also noticed Ali buried in Ashlyn's neck.

Y/n made a mental note to send more things that had her scent on them, knowing that the ones on her hoodie had probably worn out by now.

"How's Press by the way? We saw her go down, but we haven't really heard anything." Ali slightly undid herself from her hiding spot to ask Y/n about their friend.

"It's just a sprain, it isn't anything too serious." Ali and Ash were happy about the news but couldn't help but notice a furry in Y/n's eyes after they asked it.

"Hey what's wrong Alpha?" Y/n rubbed her hand on her eyes, somehow hoping to push away her anger.

"It's just that player that knocked Christen down. She didn't even act like she did anything wrong before I confronted her."

They all knew there were always those types of players, pretending like they didn't just almost end someone's career. Unfortunately, they seemed to be part of the game and it wasn't going to change any time soon.

"What did you say to her? By the looks of it, it got pretty heated." Y/n wanted to sink into the couch even more if that was possible.

Not that Y/n would ever admit it to anyone but she was acting childish basically egging on the other player instead of just going to Press and making sure she was okay.

"I just wanted her to get the message that stunts like that aren't going to end well for her and to not do it again. Then she was walking away but she muttered something under her breath. I told her if she was going to insult me she should do it like a real Alpha."

Ali and Ash gave her an amused look, not really expecting anything else of their Alpha.

Saying all of this to her mates, Y/n was reliving the feeling of being back in the principles office after someone had insulted her friends back in high school, having taken things into her own hands.

Still wanting to crawl into herself, she continued.

"I may or may not then called her a pup and then she tried the reverse card calling me a pup. I commented that she wasn't even using real curse words and that she needed to mature."

Ashlyn found this entire thing hilarious just picturing how this insult went over, she was also trying to stifle her laugh when Y/n stopped.

"At this point, I'm almost afraid to ask if that's it." Ali's small and soft voice coming through.

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