Once Rivals (Jessie Fleming/Uswnt)

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Spy AU
"If we don't nail this dude in the next hour I'm calling it quits," Y/n grumbled to the com while sipping champagne.

"Thought you loved all of the glitz and glam, L/n." Y/n glared at Ashlyn from across the room but they were interrupted.

"Guys check your 4s." Y/n pretended to stretch while Ash was less thoughtful about it, trying to see what Tobin was talking about.

"We're not the only ones on this guy's tail." Christen and Ali walked into the ballroom, Y/n noticing Jessie walking into the crowd to disappear as fast as she could.

"Ali, look at your 10 and 1." Ali did a sweep of the room noticing Ashlyn and Y/n.

"This mission just got complicated." Both teams had heard of each other but never met, both the best of the organizations they work for.

The teams asking the same question, "Where's the third one?" Tobin was watching the perimeter, keeping a check on the security cameras as well. Jessie getting a better vantage point in the room itself.

"Let's just get this over with," Y/n mumbled as some person started to talk on the stage.

Y/n's team was in silent agreement, back to looking for their target that they had to capture for interrogation.

Christen's team had been tasked with finding any information but their ultimate goal was tying up loose ends.

It took a couple of minutes, slowly losing hope the target would show, "Guys, the-" Ash's and Y/n's coms got cut, all of them were caught off guard when there was a loud bang and then there were smoke grenades thrown into the room.

The guests started to panic while the agents went to work.

Y/n and Ash started to go to work on the police agents that tried to use the smoke, the glasses they temporarily put on allowing them to see through it.

Ali and Christen used this to their advantage, getting past all of the panicking guests, heading off to the restricted areas to find their man.

Y/n noticed there were less than a handful of men left, also noticing Press and Krieger leaving, "Harris, go after those idiots, I got these."

Ash followed Y/n's instructions, catching up to the two, Tobin landing next to Ash after coming out of a ventilation shaft.


"Fighting police, care to help me with these two?" Tobin smiled, chasing Ali and Press with Ash, going through multiple doors and rooms.

"Why do I always get the dirty work?" Y/n groaned as more elite-looking agents came into the ballroom.

Grabbing a gun off of an unconscious officer, Y/n slid to a flipped-over table firing at the newcomers.

Once the bullets ran out Y/n tossed the gun, grabbing the personal one that was on a holster on Y/n's leg.

Watching the number of them dwindle down, now only about two left, one got a lucky shot and hit Y/n's gun.

"Dammit." Y/n growing frustrated as the gun was now unusable, "Really dude?! You know how hard it is to find a good gun that doesn't jam with my line of work?!"

Hearing the footsteps get closer, Y/n grabbed the destroyed gun and grabbed a throwing knife. Y/n kicked the table towards the agents, throwing the gun at one and the knife at the other.

The one that got impaled, fired his gun off randomly. The gun knocked the other unconscious.

Y/n getting a gun from another officer's holster, checking the ammo, jogging after where Ash was last but a shadow caught Y/n's attention following it instead.

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