Snuggles (Krashlyn)

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Y/n had gotten out of bed, hearing Sloane cry.

Heading to the baby's room, Y/n got the baby Advil the doctor had told the parents to give Sloane. Sloane had started teething and she hadn't been doing well.

Checking to see if it wasn't something else causing Sloane to wake up like a dirty diaper, Y/n didn't find anything.

Y/n waited a few minutes after giving Sloane the medicine, also trying to soothe the baby. "It's okay, Bubs. I got you."

Sloane slowly falling back asleep. Gently putting Sloane back in the crib, Y/n closed the door and walked back to the bedroom.

Looking at the clock, Y/n softly groaned, seeing there was barely two minutes before it was time to "wake up".

Y/n got in bed quietly, just relaxing seemingly drifting to sleep.

But not before the alarm clock set off, screaming at all of them.

Ash let out an audible groan before hitting the clock on its top, shutting it up. Ali had woken up as well, pulling Ash closer, not wanting to leave the bed.

"Five more minutes."


"If you don't mind me asking, where is little Sloane and Y/n?"

"Sloane woke up with a small fever and Y/n is taking care of her. Y/n threatened if we didn't at least show for the interview we'd be on the couch for a few nights."

The two women smile at the typical behavior, hoping all these interviews would be quick so they could go home to their family.


"Come on bubs you're killing me here."

Sloane still fussing over what drink to have. Y/n gave Sloane water at first, thinking it might be a good idea but she only had a few sips.

Then Sloane was still making grabbing hands at the bottle but pushed it away when she found it out it was water.

And because of that Y/n had gotten some formula milk and warmed it up for the sick baby. Sloane was more interested in the bottle, almost getting halfway before deciding she was done with it.

Y/n had also prepared some pureed strawberries and bananas but it only lasted two or three spoons.

"You have to eat or drink something bubs."

In response Sloane just rubbed her eye with one hand, Y/n taking it as a sign.

"Okay, nap time for a little then we'll see if you're hungry."

But Y/n was so tired, yawing, "maybe I'll close my eyes for a second too..."

And with that Y/n had laid down more, placing Sloane on Y/n's stomach.


Ali and Ash looked at each other when they entered a silent house, they almost tip-toed to the living room, melting at the sight.

Sloane was asleep on Y/n's chest, binky in her mouth. Y/n in dreamland with the baby.

Also having Storm laying on Y/n's legs, holding Y/n down; the oldest baby of the family, Logan, on the floor next to the couch almost like she was guarding all of them.

Looking at the table seeing baby food, half a bottle of formula, and water; assuming Sloane fell asleep during her feeding. Logan picked up her head, hearing Ash and Ali.

Logan let out a little huff, walking up to the two and greeting them by nudging their legs with her snout.

Ash rolling Storm off of Y/n, Storm still sleeping like a log.

Ali started to clean the living room up, putting all the cups and bottles in the sink. Ash carefully lifted Y/n into her arms, making sure Sloane was safe too. Y/n holding Sloane tighter and leaning into Ash, subconsciously.

Heading to their bedroom, Ash softly placed both of them in the middle of the bed.

Ash laying in the bed, next to the two.

Y/n seemed to stir, Ashlyn watching Y/n's eyes barely open.

"Ashy?" Ash smiled at the mumbles from Y/n.

"Yeah, it's me, baby. Please go back to sleep, hun."

Y/n barely nodded, already drifting off again.

Ali walked into the room as quietly as she could, slipping under the covers.

Ash and Ali got comfortable soon drifting off themselves. Just happy to be home again.

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