Scary Man! (Krashlyn!BabyR)

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"Hey baby, ready to see your uncle today?"

The sweet melody hit Ali's ears, her child's laugh will always brighten her day. "Let's get you fed before he gets here."

Ali took Y/n to the kitchen putting the toddler in the highchair then getting a bib on Y/n.

"How are my girls doing?" Ali smiled when she saw Ash with two cups of coffee, putting them on a nearby table. Ash also had a handful of strawberries, giving them to Y/n.

"Good." Ali kissing her wife, glad Kyle will provide a small break for the new mothers.

The two enjoy their coffee and Y/n eating the strawberries for a few minutes until they hear a knock at the front door.

"I'll get it."

Ash opened the door, smiling when she saw Kyle.

"Hey, how are you?" The two hug, Ash letting Kyle inside.

"Well considering nothing exciting has happened, I'm alright."

"No shave November?" Ash noticing the beard.

"I'm still on the fence about it."

Ash chuckling at the man, walking him to the kitchen.

Ali puts down her coffee to greet Kyle with a hug, "Good to see you."

"Good to see you too but where the little ball of mush?"

Ali nodded to the highchair Y/n was in, the toddler still focused on the strawberries.

"Hey, there little missy." Y/n looked up from the food, eyes widened looking at Uncle Kyle.

Y/n started to make small fusses, making a grabbing motion to Ash. "You done with breakfast already bubs?"

Y/n making a "yeah" like noise.

Ash grabbed Y/n and took Y/n over to the sink, grabbing a washcloth to clean Y/n's hands then setting the kid down. Y/n then crawled to Ali, seeing Kyle again, Y/n made the grabbing hands again.

Ali picked up Y/n, continuing to talk to Kyle, Y/n seemingly hiding in Ali's neck.

Ali lost track of the conversation talking Y/n, "You can't be tired already bubs you just go up."

Y/n then made a 'no' like sound, Ali walking over to the play area.

Ali putting down Y/n, all Y/n did was crawl over to Ash.

"What's up with you today? Hu?" Ash picking up Y/n.

"Maybe Y/n just misses her favorite Uncle." Kyle stood next to Ash, making sure he was in Y/n's eyesight.

Y/n started to fuss again, "No, scarwy." The two moms were barely able to make out Y/n's words before the child hide Ash's neck like Y/n did with Ali.

Ash rubbed Y/n's head trying to calm Y/n.

Ali finally putting the pieces together, "I think it's the beard."

Both Ash and Kyle look at her like she'd grown two heads.

"I don't think Y/n likes Kyle with the beard."

Ash shrugging looking at Kyle, "I mean you were on the fence about it."

"The things I do for you guys."

Y/n sat in Kyle's lap happy watching storm and Logan playing in the backyard, Kyle turning the kid around, "Not so scary now am I?"

"That's still debatable." Ali said, grabbing Y/n from him, "I think it's time for tummy time, get those muscles built so you and I can beat up Uncle Kyle later."

"Heard that!"

Ali sticking her tongue out at her brother.

"Ew put that back, I don't know where it's been."

"Oh, shut it."

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