No Warning (Team)

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(Y/n) wasn't particularly new to the national team, but when she told some people her age it often shocked them more than not. She was only at the age of 20 yet she helped keep the kids and babies of the team in line and made sure no one died.

Sometimes that was harder said then done.

(Y/n) was also a reserved person often observing rather than partaking in the mischief but she did like scaring the pants off of people sometimes. Some how (Y/n) had managed to balance herself with almost every teammate but there was one thing she was surprised no one knew.

And it would have stayed that way if a team knew when to stop.


The US national team and the England national team were booked in the same hotel for their upcoming match. Now normally this wouldn't be a problem but some of the England players were still holding a grudge against the US for their loss last time they played each other.

And this meant the some players of the England team, wanted to get inside the heads of the US, play mind games with them. Unfortunately some players were willing to strike lower blows than were necessary, so driven for the need to have the upper hand.

Some players more than not just walked by US players while saying something loud enough for the intended people to hear and that was that. Sadly nothing could really be done but it was a slightly different story when they openly say or attack them face to face.


Ali, Ash, Sonnett, (Y/n), and Kelly were all enjoying their breakfast at a small coffee shop before practice when they spotted a pair of familiar faces. And it wasn't a good familiar.

The two England players had unfortunately noticed the group, as well, knowing exactly what to do.

The group all seemed to silently agree to stand their ground and not leave just because of who showed up, instead going on with their meal.

(Y/n)'s body was tenser and ready to spring for some reason, when the two walked by doing... nothing? They all seemed to look at each other curiously, hoping the two weren't interested in playing with them like a chew toy.

(Y/n) was wrong to relax so soon because when the two got their coffees (Y/n) had noticed there was a third one and didn't exactly like it.

And she know why then one of the women "accidentally" lost her balanced and "tripped". Her very hot coffee had spilled all over (Y/n)'s lap, some of it even getting on her side.

She jumped out of her seat, clenching her jaw in attempt to keep her shout inside, not wanting to draw more attention than necessary. The group had noticed (Y/n)'s sudden movements and for a moment they were all shocked at the scene in front of them.

The other England player didn't even bother to hide her snickering, while the other acted like she didn't know how to lie to save her life. (Y/n) was trying to clean herself best she could, while sending all of them a warning glare that they needed to stay out of this, especially Ash and Kelly.

"Oh no, I'm soooo sorry miss. I hope the coffee didn't hurt too much. I didn't inconvenience you in any way, did I?" (Y/n) was tempted to give the woman a piece of her mind, but bit her tongue.

"No not at all, after all it was an accident." (Y/n)'s smile was showing too many teeth for it to be friendly.

Turning to her teammates she said, "I'll head back to the hotel to change, I'll see you all at practice." And with that (Y/n) walked off, only hoping that the four women didn't seek some type of revenge for her.


(Y/n) had decided to take a quick shower as well to make sure the coffee was off of her. Unfortunately the coffee had been so hot that (Y/n)'s skin was almost raw because of it and she'd need to see Dawn.

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