Short-Fuse (Krashlyn)

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Y/n could care less if the tackle caused any pain, getting up from it Y/n shouted to the ref, "You going to foul someone ref?!"

The ref turned his head, pretending not to hear the angry player.

Scoffing, Y/n headed somewhere else on the field. Hopefully in the eyesight of a reasonable ref.

Somewhat glad non of Y/n's other teammates had it this bad.

Y/n couldn't really focus on the game, too frustrated with the number of fouls she was being called on.

Yes, Y/n was an aggressive player but knew when to tone it down and it felt like one misstep tonight was an automatic foul.

The game resumed and Y/n was heading down the field trying to get the ball back. Y/n got beside the player that had possession, Y/n waiting for the player to mess up so the ball would be vulnerable.

The player messed up alright, losing footing. Y/n getting tipped by the player as they went down.

Y/n managed to stay standing, slowing down to see if the other player was fine but stopped when the ref blew his whistle.

What is it now?!

The ref signaled that Y/n was being fouled for tripping the other player, a look of disbelief nearly on everyone on the field.

The crowd boo'ing loudly.

Y/n had to turn and walk away, trying to cool down.

If it wasn't Y/n's body committing the foul, Y/n's mouth would do it.

Looking over at Ali and Ash to see them slightly worried.

As the game went on, so did the fouls.

Y/n had just about had it when there was a blatant dirty tackle from the other team and the ref turned a blind eye.

In the last few minutes of the game, Y/n thought the hell would be over.

That the long needed end of the nightmare was coming.

Y/n really should have seen it coming.

No, the clock was far from going into overtime.

Someone finally got hurt enough for the ref to pay attention.

The same player that tripped over their own feet, fouling Y/n, had gone in for a dirty take to get the ball back from the defense.

Ali is on the ground, trying to get up again. Ash was by her side in seconds and Y/n jogged getting there, "Hey baby, stay down the medics are coming this way."

Ali nodded her head, still in pain. She knew nothing broke but she wouldn't put it past being a bruise, sprain, or even a fracture.

The medical team examined Ali for a minute or so, clearing her for the last few minutes of the game but if it seemed to worsen they'd have to sub Ali out.

R and Ash were relieved that it wasn't anything serious, Ash planning on going back to the goal while Y/n looked at the board to see what happened to the player.

When Y/n saw it went down as a foul and a very firm warning, that was the final straw.

Storming past other players, Y/n getting in the ref's face.

"What the hell ref?! That should be a yellow and you just foul?! Krieger almost got her ankles broke! Do your fucking job and CARD SOMEONE!"

It was impossible for the ref to ignore Y/n that time and so he reached in his pocket and pulled out a red.

Y/n was about to thank some higher power that this ref finally has common sense but then he points at Y/n then off to the sidelines.

The ref red-carded Y/n.

Leaving the field, Y/n knew the ref was still looking so Y/n gave the ref the middle finger, not even looking back to see the reaction.

Ali and Ash watched Y/n walk off to the locker rooms, concerned more than anything but also frustrated with the ref, wanting nothing more than the match to end.


Ali and Ash shortened the time they normally spend with the fans, more concerned with finding Y/n.

Walking into the locker room, they saw Y/n still had everyday clothes there. Ash hurried to the ice bath area, having a feeling that's where Y/n was, Ali close behind.

Ali and Ash saw Y/n relaxing in an ice bath, eyes closed.

Before they could say anything Y/n says, "Thought an ice bath would cool my temper."

Y/n's joking tone was a little concerning, Ali asking, "Y/n how long have you been in there?"

"Not long enough, probably." Y/n got out with ease, eliminating Ali's and Ash's worry that Y/n had been in there too long.

"Y/n wait." Y/n was reluctant but kept going, not wanting to accidentally say something that would be regretted later.

"Come on Ash, let's just give Y/n some space." Less than a handful of times had they seen Y/n this angry, even after harsh games.

So the two headed off to get changed into their everyday clothes, waiting a few minutes till they looked for Y/n again.


Y/n's phone was left on so Ali was tracking it with her own phone. Soon they didn't need it.

Stumbling on the small training area the stadium had, hearing grunts and sounds of something being hit, they entered looking around.

Y/n's back was to the door, focusing on the punching bag, beating and kicking the life out of it.

Y/n stopped for a moment, barely feeling a micro-layer of sweat.

Then two arms wrapped around Y/n's torso, keeping Y/n's arms by Y/n's side.

"Ashlyn." Y/n sounded less angry, almost giving Ash a warning.

But after a moment of Ash not moving, Y/n felt the anger leaving.

Ash moves Y/n a step or two away from the punching bag, Ali now able to hold Y/n from the front. "We're here baby. Just breath."

Ash noticed Y/n heartbeat slow down from a pounding to a calmer thumping. Y/n's shoulders fell, putting her head in the crook of Ali's neck, taking in Ali's scent. Reminding Y/n of Ali's favorite flowers.

The mental and physical exhaustion finally showing its ugly head.

"You ready to go home baby?"

Ash could barely see the nod from Y/n, Ali letting go so Ash carried Y/n.


Y/n still needed to take a shower from the game so Ash and Ali helped clean Y/n up in the shower, also giving Y/n physical support.

Ash got out of the shower first, getting a towel to dry off and got dressed, getting clothes for Ali and Y/n as well.

Ali turned off the shower, Y/n able to dry and dress without help. All of them heading to bed.

"Sorry by the way."

Ali and Ash were surprised by Y/n's words, "Why are you sorry baby?"

"I lost my temper."

"Y/n don't apologize for that. I hope they never have that guy ref a game again. I would have lost it if I were in your position."

Y/n hummed somewhat not believing Ash.

"And Kelley defiantly would have. And Becky. And Pinoe. And Syd. And Alex."

Y/n chuckled as Ash continued to name almost everyone on the national team and Orlando team.

"Okay, I get it. Thanks, you two."

"Love you too." Ali said before turning her body to turn the light off.

"Love you too, baby."

"I love both of you."

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