Not Made of Stone (Alex Morgan) Part 3

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Y/n walked towards the beach with Charlie holding her hand, surfboard under her other arm.

Ash wasn't that far behind after giving Sloane and Ali one last kiss before heading off to the waves.

Alex hung back with the new mother and the baby favoring to stand on dry land.

"Come on Charlie, let's show Ashlyn how it's done."

Y/n and Charlie laughed as Y/n walked out as far as she could with Charlie, held on for dear life around her neck.

When Y/n was well balanced on her board she told Charlie to let go and let her sit in front. Paddling out further Y/n saw Ash wasn't far behind them.

Y/n started paddling harder, eventually going out far enough to catch good waves. Ash started to slow down too, Charlie patting her legs with her hands.

"What is it, Charlie? Exited for waves today?"

The kid replied in a cheerful voice, "Ya!"

"Speaking of which." Ashlyn got their attention and Y/n saw a nice wave forming.

Y/n smiled, turning the board around, "Alright we got this Charlie." When Charlie felt a small pat on the shoulder from Y/n, Charlie laid on the board, head up.

Y/n was still paddling, thankfully catching the wave. Y/n wasn't able to see the toothy smile Charlie had but the giggles had Y/n's heart flutter.


Alex, Ali and Sloane were making sandcastles. Well, Alex and Ali were making them for Sloane while the baby found the binky she had quite entertaining.

"So Alex are you planning to make a move?"

Alex stopped for a moment, trying to think about what Ali's question could mean.


Ali rolled her eyes at the oblivious woman and smiled, "You and Y/n. I think Charlie wouldn't mind a second mom."

Alex's eyes nearly bulged out of her head, finally realizing what Ali was implying.

"Y/n has just been helping me out with Charlie, I have no idea where you're getting this from Ali."

Ali just hummed at Alex, looking out at the waves to see her wife catching some decent waves while Y/n stayed to the smaller ones with Charlie on board.

Ali looked back to Sloane, thinking about when Sloane grew up that she would be on the board with Ash soon.

Her heart started going faster at the thought, Alex noticing the change in the new mom.

"What's wrong Ali?"

"Just thinking about how Sloane and Ash will be riding the waves in a few years." Alex smiled, knowing exactly what she was going through.

"Don't worry, it helps when you trust the person on the board, too."


Y/n winced at the pain in her shoulders.

'Definitely going to feel it later.'

Spending the day with Charlie was something Y/n would always enjoy but paddling to catch good waves for both of them was taking a toll.

Y/n was taking a break from paddling while Ash moved next to the two.

"Ali and Alex got lunch out, want to go back in?"

"I think me and Charlie will wait for a wave."

Ashlyn nodded and started going in, using the smaller waves to reserve what energy she had left.

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