Not as bad as it looks (Krashlyn)

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"Oh sorry about that," Hinkle smirked at Y/n, who grunted while getting put from the turf.

"Don't worry about it." Y/n brushed off anything that was on her.

The game was still in play, Y/n heading off to help get the ball back for her team but Hinkle took a moment to look at Ali and Ash to make sure the two saw the dirty tackle.

"That little-"

Ash had to stop herself, seeing that a ref was paying attention, almost giving her a look, daring Ash to finish that sentence.

Of course, they'd card her before Hinkle.

Ash watched from the goal, Ali putting pressure on the team, and Y/n getting the ball from the defender.

Y/n back to moving the ball down the field.

Getting about halfway, Y/n noticed the NC defenders closing in deciding to make a pass to Morgan.

Once the ball had left Y/n's feet, Y/n felt her feet being taken out from under.

Hinkle's knee had gone into Y/n's stomach, knocking the wind out of Y/n, who was holding herself trying to get back to her feet.

Hinkle had already gotten up and before anyone could get there Hinkle saw the ref approach, who was reaching into the yellow card pocket.

For some reason, Hinkle thought she could avoid being carded if Y/n was back up again before the ref got over there.

Grabbing Y/n by the arm and shoulder, Hinkle tried to force Y/n up.

Y/n inhaled sharply, almost losing balance being on her knees, stumbling. Ali was already moving to see if Y/n was okay after the bad tackle but Ali saw Hinkle trying to force Y/n to her feet, picking up her speed.

"What the hell Hinkle?"

Ali was in Hinkle's face, ready to give Hinkle a taste of her own medicine.

Hearing the ref's whistle Ali relented, seeing the yellow card given to Hinkle.

Ali turned to focus on Y/n now, just barely standing up.

"You okay, baby?"

Y/n nodded, "Just got the wind knocked out of me." The ref asked Y/n if she was okay to play and Y/n gave the ref a thumbs-up.

The play was about to begin again, Ali gave Y/n a brief kiss on the side of the mouth.

"You missed, Kriegs."

Y/n mumbled, softly grabbing Ali's chin, making sure it was a proper kiss.

After separating, Ali made sure to make eye contact with the homophobic, hoping this would finally make Hinkle back off.


In the final minutes of the game, Y/n was near the NC goal and getting ready to jump for a header.

Y/n didn't pay much attention that Hinkle was marking her but Hinkle made note of it.

Noticing the ball was in the air, Y/n tensed her legs and sprigged up.

At the same time, the ball was deflected, Y/n also felt pain shoot through her nose and face.

Hinkle stumbled on her feet when landing, rubbing her elbow.

Y/n is on the turf on her back, still slightly stunned by the hit. Y/n's nose had a small cut and was also pouring blood.

Ali was the first by Y/n's side, watching her go down. Ash ran from the other side of the field, heading straight to Hinkle.

"Hinkle, what the fuck?!" Ash was still angry from the other times Hinkle had hurt Y/n, Ash shoving Hinkle back.

The ref was ready to card Hinkle from having her elbows up, now having to card Ash.

Ashlyn was glad to see the card above Hinkle, resisting the eye roll when the ref did the same to her, regrettably admitting she deserved it.

But then Hinkle decided she wasn't done, "It's what you both deserve, fagot."

Luckily for Hinkle, some of Ash's teammates started to gather around the two to make sure Ash would stay calm and two of them were able to stop the goalkeeper before she was able to do something.

The ref was able to hear Hinkle's words and held up the red card instead, sending Hinkle off the field immediately.

Ash was done dealing with everything, walking over to Ali and Y/n.

Y/n was leaning over the turf, trying to keep the jersey clean while the blood continued to leak out.

The medical team came over giving Y/n a cloth to help stop the bleeding.

"Well, this sucks." Ash chuckled at Y/n's comment, seeing the medic team start to guide Y/n off the field.

Ash stopped Y/n, picking her up bridle-style, Y/n squeaking in surprise, "Ash!"

Ash started walking them off the field, "Ash, I can still walk."

"Not while I'm around princess." Y/n rolled her eyes at the name Ash only called her when she was overprotective.

Ash finally let Y/n down at the edge of the turf, "Okay, my knight in shining armor."

Ash pressed a kiss against Y/n's forehead before letting the medic team check her out on the bench.

Reluctantly going back to the game Ali and Ash watched the clock, thanking every second that went by.

"I swear, you guys, it was just a bloody nose."

Y/n would've found it funny if she wasn't the subject of torture.

Ali had asked if the pillows were comfortable for the third time, Ash made sure the small bandage on Y/n's nose was done well and clean, and more.

"You still got nailed by Hinkle the whole match." Y/n sighed, knowing neither of them would let up.

Ash spooning Y/n in their bed, Ali doing a checklist in her head to make sure everything was in order.

"You're more clingy than usual too, what's bothering you baby?"

Y/n tried to turn to talk to Ash.

"Nothing. I don't know what you're talking about." Y/n just raised her eyebrow at Ash, Ali now getting in the covers and listening.

"Hinkle just got under my skin tonight, that's all."

"I'll withhold kisses for 24 hours, Harris."

Ash cursed herself, "Hinkle's elbow blow was intentional, she said you deserved it. Hinkle also used a slur and I wanted to see more than a red card for it."

"That explains why they finally sent her off." Ali said while Y/n gave Ash a gentle kiss, as a thank you.

"I'll kick her ass next time she tries anything." Ash mumbled, spooning Y/n again, realizing the pain medication was taking affect.

Y/n started to drift off, letting Ali sandwich her.

"Just don't beat her too badly, Ash."

"No promises."

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