Oh, Really? (Krashlyn)

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Y/n walked to the locker room, going to pack things up after a game against Canada that just ended 0-2 with the USWNT in the lead.

Spending a little more time with the media than normal Y/n just wanted to have Ash and Ali cuddling in one of their hotel rooms.

Walking in, Y/n noticed Ash was basically already dressed, Ali still changing. Y/n started to change as well, feeling someone stare, Y/n not needing to turn around to know it was Ashlyn.

"I'm deciding whether to be jealous of you or scared for you, Y/n." Alex's voice came from next to Y/n.

Y/n just chuckled, putting on a top but turning around and putting it on slowly to tease Ash.

No one else really noticed the light blush on Ash but a few noticed the smirk on her lips. Not ashamed of being caught for admiring the beauty in front of her.

"Yeah I'd definitely be jealous if I were you Al."

"Too much information L/n." Alex slightly shivered from what she now knew.


Most of the team had gone out to celebrate the win for tonight's match but a few stayed like Ash, Ali and Y/n.

They all laid in one of the beds in Ali's room, Ash in the middle while Y/n spooned her, Ali buried in Ashlyn.

Y/n watching Ali as she let her hair down from her bun, temporarily removing herself from the cuddles.

Ali saw Y/n's eyes darken slightly as Y/n's attention turned to Ash.

Brushing the hair off of Ash's neck, Y/n lightly kissed up her neck. Y/n getting just below Ash's ear, whispering to the two.

"I'm so proud of my girls, getting a clean sheet against Canada. Deserves a little something, don't you think?"

Ash let out a sigh dangerously close to a moan, tilting her head allowing Y/n more access. Y/n's hands starting to roam Ash's body, becoming putty in Y/n's hands. Ali taking advantage, kissing Ashlyn passionately.


The next morning Y/n was admiring the two women in the bed.

Both having no clothing, the bed sheet covering most of them. Ash facing Y/n while Ali had her face buried in Ash's shoulder blade, barely visible to Y/n.

Y/n slowly got out of bed and took a shower to get ready for the day.

Just about done with washing up, Y/n noticed the door to the shower open, Ali stepping in.

Ali wrapped her arms around Y/n, pressing herself against Y/n. Only pulling away from Y/n a little when Y/n grunted, "Careful baby girl, you and Ash really did a number on my back last night."

Ali just hummed as Y/n turned around and kissed Ali on the lips, reaching for the shampoo to help Ali with her morning shower.

"Let's just hope Ash can walk today." Y/n lightly chuckled at the ongoing joke between them.

After making love one time Ash had to get up from the bed for some reason and couldn't find her footing for a second. Hence the joke between all of them. Although sometimes Ash and Ali walk a little funny after the night's activities.

It had been a few minutes when the shower door opened and Ash came in looking tired. Y/n about to make a remark towards Ash.

"Don't even think about it." Ash's scratchy voice silencing Y/n.


Walking into the dining hall for the team, Y/n heard a conversation that made Y/n want to kill someone.

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