Not Made of Stone (Alex Morgan) Part 2

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The day after the game was the day off for the team, though many of (Y/n)'s teammates couldn't help but want to know what she meant the other night.

Alex was at her house, Charlie was taking a nap, Christen and Ali having a quiet lunch with their friend. Alex had noticed the two were acting weird, that there was something she didn't know.

"What's up with you two? You guys acted fine last night, what happened?"

Press and Krieger share a look, Alex felt a little frustrated still being left out even after confronting them. Then after a moment of silence Christen was the one to speak up.

"After you left, I made a remark to (Y/n) on how she was soft for you and Charlie. Then she said to me 'in a few years you'll understand' and..."

There was a small pause, "And then she said to all of us, 'once a mother always a mother' and then she left before we could ask anything else. You wouldn't happen to know what she meant by that do you?"

"Well yeah you just become more protective, you might even a new look on life, bringing a life into the world is a big deal-" And then it clicked for Alex. "Wait (Y/n) had a baby?!"

Ali was the one to clear the air this time, "Well we don't know that for sure, but what else could she have meant by saying that?"

Alex remembered when her and (Y/n) talked and got to know each other better, "(Y/n) was the oldest of her siblings, maybe she took after them. Her parents weren't home a lot either."

The three women were puzzled, maybe they'd have to reach out to the team if they had any hope of finding out what she meant.


(Y/n) got a message from the group chat about a small barbeque at Alex's. She had a hunch that there was more to this than they were letting on but (Y/n) figures it was about time they knew more about her.

They were family basically family anyway.


Later that night when the barbeque was set, (Y/n) showed up right on time along with a few other teammates. Knocking on the door, revealed a tiered Morgan.

"Hey guys come in, I just need to check on Charlie-"

(Y/n) stopped her right there, "No, you look like you're about to pass out, I will take care of Charlie and you take care of you."

"(Y/n), I'm fine you don't have to-"

"I know but I want to," (Y/n) directed her next words to her teammates, "Ashlyn you're on the food, don't let anything burn down. You all know what to do, and let Alex relax."

Leaving no room for debate, (Y/n) went upstairs to where she heard the small cries of Charlie.

"You know it really does become obvious, (Y/n) has motherly instincts, when you know she was probable a mom." Sonnet was smacked up side the head curtsy of Kelly.

"What? It's true... maybe."


Carrying a freshly changed baby with her (Y/n) came down stairs and saw the bottle for Charlie taking her outside were everyone was.

"Oh, (Y/n) Charlie's bottle I left it in..."

Alex stopped herself when she saw the woman already have the bottle in hand.

"Relax Al, it's not for you to worry about tonight."

Morgan had a small grateful smile, as she watched (Y/n) give her baby the bottle. "(Y/n)?"

The woman looked up at the other Morgan and hummed in response, "You seem to be more comfortable around babies than most people, were you a baby sitter or something?"

A few people that were listening on the conversation tensed, (Y/n) sighed knowing this would pop up sooner or later.

"I was the oldest growing up, parents weren't around a lot. You get the picture," (Y/n) paused "I learned how to take care of other people that way. But then something happened... um... I was a 15 year old that hanged out with upperclassmen at school and their was a woman, one of them best I'd ever know, got pregnant somehow or for some reason."

The team's attention was all on her as she continued, "It was a complicated birth and the girl didn't make it but her baby did. The family was going to send the baby to an orphanage. I spoke with them about it and some how it just happened and I was now responsible for the babies health too."

The team looked at each other amazed, none of them had know this. "The baby was a boy and the lady already picked out his name, Markus, before she passed." (Y/n) was looking at Charlie.

"And like that three years went by but a few days after his third birthday, Markus was playing with his favorite stuffed elephant, Toughy, when he told me, 'mom, my chest hurts' because he didn't know any better that I wasn't his real mother. I took Markus to the doctor after a day he said it wouldn't stop hurting and it had even gotten worse."

(Y/n) noticed Charlie was drifting off to sleep after burping her, "Excuse me I need to put this little bundle down."

"Don't leave us hanging like that!" Sonnett whispered yelled. (Y/n) just ignored her, taking Charlie back to her room. Laying her down, (Y/n) felt tears come to her eyes.

Drying her eyes (Y/n) went back to the group.

"So... what did the doctors find?"

(Y/n) stayed silent not sure if she could bring herself to it. "(Y/n)?"

Alex had put a hand on her back in attempt to comfort her.

"Cancer, they found lung cancer." (Y/n) stopped the tears before they came out, she didn't want her teammates seeing her like this.

"It was stage four lung cancer, he didn't make it to his fourth birthday."

"Oh, (Y/n). I am so sorry, we didn't know." Alex moved next to (Y/n) giving her a side hug, but ended up just holding each other.

Morgan didn't even want to think about loosing Charlie. She couldn't even to fathom the pain (Y/n) had.

Everyone had tears to dry, never wanting to see someone they love so sad but in a way this helped them grow.

And (Y/n) now knew she didn't have to hid her tears as they fell.

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