New to This (Uswnt)

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Y/n walked into the locker room, pausing for a moment when some of the players looked in Y/n's direction.

Getting to the locker, Y/n took off the headphones and got the training gear on.

"Hey you're the new kid, I'm Kelley."

Y/n just grunted, focusing on tying the laces, avoiding looking at anyone else.


"You're not the talkative type are you?"

Y/n didn't respond in any way, closing the locker.

"Don't worry, we'll have you spilling your life story by the end of the camp."

Y/n's eyes widen when a squeak came out, quickly exiting the locker room.

Kelley looked at where Y/n was, curious.

"Let Y/n adjust. I'm sure the kid is all nerves, 16 and on the national team. There's no way that's not nerve-wracking." Ali put her two cents in, seeing the exchange.



Y/n was rethinking the whole thing, wishing the coach would have told the team about the whole autism thing. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about that during drills.

Just glad today's practice doesn't involve a lot of communication.

Or so Y/n thought.

"Alright everyone, circle up!" The coach started to list teams, drills turning into a game of scrimmage.

Once everyone was put on a team, the game started.

Y/n was holding back on the pitch, going from practice to competitive, which wasn't a strong suit.

"Come on L/n! Step it up!"

Y/n got nervous patting the outside thigh, noticing Kelley had the ball.

"O'Hara!" Kelley looked in Y/n's direction but Y/n had already swiped the ball from the defender's feet.


Y/n started heading towards the goal, Alyssa getting ready. Kicking into the left corner, it graced Alyssa's gloves, hitting the net.

Happy about making the goal, Y/n's hand patted the outer thigh again.

Seeing Kelley approach Y/n got nervous, "Nice trick kid." Kelley patted Y/n's shoulder.

Y/n let out a squeak again, eyes wide, speed walking away from Kelley.

O'Hara tilted her head, watching Y/n go back to start, wondering what was going on.


Y/n was hesitating to knock, hoping the team wouldn't notice the bulge in the shirt Y/n was wearing.

Finally knocking, Sonnett opened the door with a smile, "Hey, you're just on time."

Team bonding. And it was required.

Y/n didn't make any eye contact with anyone, just grunting when Sonnett opened the door. Sitting down next to Rose because every other spot seemed to be taken.

The team didn't comment on what was causing Y/n's shirt to bulge, some not even noticing it.

"Alright we have a few new faces, let's do introductions. Just name and something interesting."

Y/n paid attention to all of the introductions but froze when Rose finished

Deep breaths, Y/n

"I'm Y/n and this," Y/n pulled the hand-sized stuffed animal from under the shirt, "is Tori."

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