Love Is The Best Medicine (Krashlyn)

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Y/n pushed off on the board, jumping and landing on a railing, doing a fakie, landing at the bottom safely.

"Is that all you got baby?" Ash follows on a different rail down the stairs, going a 360 at the end.

"No. And you know it." Ashlyn chuckled at Y/n's cockiness.

"I don't know about that, refresh my memory."

Y/n took up the challenge and saw another rail that was actually part of the skate park, it almost laid flat but there was a decent height variation in it.

"Watch and learn Harris."

Y/n pushed off the board again, going in at a slower speed, jumping on the rail.

Y/n made the board spin on the rail, controlling it, lifting the wheels so it didn't hit the rail as Y/n repeatability switched sides.

Spinning with the board, Y/n was getting a little dizzy, seeing the end of the railing though Y/n jumped up, doing a 360.

Landing on Y/n's non-dominant side, put Y/n throw a lop. But Y/n was able to straighten out before anything bad happened.

Ash skated to Y/n to make sure Y/n was okay, noticing that it wasn't a solid landing.

Y/n had gotten off the board and sat down, waiting for the small waves of nausea to pass.

"Remind me to never do that again."

"No promises. You looked good till the landing, you okay?"

"Yeah, just not use to spinning on a board like that."

Ash held her hand out to help Y/n up, who gratefully accepted it.

They grabbed their boards and headed over to Ali and Sloane playing on a blanket on a patch of grass. Logan and Storm, playing with each other.

"And how are the most beautiful girls in the world doing today?" Y/n and Ali shared a brief kiss before Y/n turned attention to Sloane, kissing the baby on her head.

Ali and Ash being a little more passionate in their kiss, "Much better now."

Ali said before going to check the time, "Too bad we have to start heading back, it's almost Sloane's nap time."

Ash and Ali were both fairly worn out from the day already, Y/n wanting to get a few more tricks and practice in before calling it a day.

"I want to get a couple more in, I'll meet you back home. 'Kay?" It wasn't uncommon for Y/n to stay a little, Ali and Ash nodding.

After Y/n helped them clean up everything, Y/n gave a last kiss to Sloane, Ali and Ash. Giving Storm and Logan a scratch behind the ear. All of them heading their designated path.

Y/n was working on a few easy things, to get footing back, and mainly to think on how to improve the trick Y/n tried to impress Ash with.

Y/n was doing some spins on the ramps to try and get use to how harsh spinning on the rail was.

After a little bit, Y/n was in the same spot as the last time, kicking off with a little more speed this time.

Jumping up, on the rail, Y/n started to spin the board.

Getting to the end of the rail Y/n was about to make the dismount, ready to jump but on the last spin, one of Y/n's wheels caught. Y/n crashing to the ground.

Feeling the impact of the concrete first, Y/n grunted, now the burning from all the scraps and scratches starting.

Wearing jeans and a t-shirt, Y/n didn't have to worry about below the waist, everything else was a different story.

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