The Mall Part 1 (Hiro x Reader)

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A/N: As requested by Adrysdiary. Sorry for taking so long. ^_^

I had to cut this into 2 parts cause I felt like it was too long if I put them together. Part 2 will be up later on, and this time I mean it since it's already done.

Anyway, I hope you like it!

"Come on you guys, picture!" Honey cheers from the passenger's seat of the van, holding up her phone.

Gogo puts down her own phone, Fred places his comic book down on his lap and Tadashi shifts his gaze away from the window, all three of them in the second row turning to face Honey's camera.

"You guys go on ahead," Wasabi says, his eyes focused on the road as he kept his grip tight on the steering wheel. "kinda busy here."

"Okay, okay. Ready?"

The three all respond with a yes, already posing for the picture.

"Three, two, one, say chee- Wait!" Honey exclaims just as her finger was about to hit the button. She glances behind her seat. "Where's (Y/N) and Hiro?"

"Snoozing the day away in the back." Gogo points at the third row behind them, blowing a bubble with the gum in her mouth and popping it. "They've been asleep since we left for the mall."

"We're almost there anyway. Wake them up so we can take a picture!"

"I'm on it." Tadashi says, turning around to face the two of you.

"Rise and shine, you two. We're almost the-" He stops mid-sentence once he saw the two of you. A smirk makes its way to his face. "Aw, isn't that cute."

"What?" Gogo asks from beside Fred who also seemed curious.

"No wonder they were sleeping so soundly." Tadashi chuckles.

Curiosity getting the best of her, Gogo turns around to look at what Tadashi found so amusing, Fred following in suit.

In the third row was you and Hiro fast asleep, leaning against one another. You were resting your head on his shoulder, the hair near his ear was moving slightly at your steady breaths as he was balancing his head on his arm that was leaning against the door. Your arms were intertwined loosely, fingers lightly brushing against one another.

The smirk on Gogo's face matched the one on Tadashi's at the sight of you two so comfortable next to one another.

"Woah." Fred nods in approval.

"You guys," Honey calls out. "what's going on back there?"

"(Y/N) and Hiro are using each other as pillows." Fred states with an amused grin, turning back around and settling himself back into his seat. He pulls up his comic once more and continues reading.

"Really? Oh my gosh!" Honey squeals in excitement.

Guess you could say she was one of your biggest fangirls.

"Quick, before they wake up," Honey tosses her phone to Tadashi. "take their picture."

Tadashi barely catches it, accidentally bumping Fred's arm in the process which nearly knocked the comic out of his hand.


"Sorry." Tadashi says apologetically. He turns back to the two of you and aims the camera.

"Say cheese." He grins, pressing the button.


"Yay! Thank you!" Honey takes her phone back, looking at the picture. Wasabi glances slightly at the picture, eyes immediately darting back to the road.

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