remembering the new and old

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Carl's p.o.v
With the black hair and the faceial expression on her face I just wish she did not get shot I hate that she got hurt because of me I guess I fell asleep while in the car my dream sucked it was about sky and Judith and dad and mom it was back at the prison when Judy was a baby and everything was ok then there was an explosion and then Judith was gone sky everyone was beside me and walkers then the govener came in the prison and had a girl in his arms it was sky and then a bullet went through her head I ran to her tears falling off my face then the govener showed up with Judith and a gun to her head and I yelled "YOU BETTER LET HE-" i was cut off by Judith saying " Carl stop I can finally meet mom and be with everyone we lost its ok I want this" before I could say anything the gun went off I saw Judith fall to the ground with a pool of blood forming around her head I ran to her and cradeled her lifeless body crying my eyes out.
Glenn's p.o.v
Maggie carried Judith into a house that I cleard Carl was still asleep so I stayed in the car with him so when he woke up he dident think we left him I think he is convinced that its his fault and no boy his age should go through that. My thoughts got inturupted by Carl wakeing up then he siad almost in tears "weres judith" before I could say anything he got out of the car and ran inside I got out and ran inside only to find carl searching for Judith then I siad "follow me" he did but still was looking in every room but then he herad her scream come from upstairs he bolted for the stairs and I followed him up there until he found the room she was in he hugged her then Maggie mouthed "what's wrong with him" I just shrugged my shoulders then Judith let out another scream and then Carl siad "what's wrong with her" Maggie siad "she's in pain Carl but she'l survive" then she passed out and I dont think I've ever seen Carl look so worried since I met him then he siad "we have to go" Maggie siad "why" Carl siad "somebody bad is coming for Judith and he knows were she is were we are we have to go ok" Maggie siad "how do you know that" Carl siad "bacuse I know alright so let's go he's going to be here soon he was following us trust me" then he picked Judith up and walked down stairs with her me and Maggie went after him.

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