letting out feelings

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Carl's p.o.v
I finally caut up with her but buy the time I did I ran into a memory of her again then I felt a hand in my shoulder I turned around it was Glenn I turned around and hugged him and started to cry it felt good to cry I haven't cryed for a long time he hugged back and then I herad Judith scream I looked up and saw Glenn with a worried look on his face I then wiped my tears away and me and him ran in the same direction we came from we saw the car and Judith crying and saying something I couldn't qiut understand I walked slowly tword her I herad what she was saying "its all my fault he and dad died" she said that over and over again I said "who" she looked at me that wasent Judith it was someone else she said "Carl and dad its my fault there dead if I wouldn't of fallen asleep if me and Dominik never kissed and got up in the middle of the night to take a walk it would of never happen and if I wasn't such an idiot dad would be here to its all my fault I just stood there starring at her and got there attention he would be here I'm sick of being lucky I want to be unlucky for once in my life I don't want anybody to save me if I die I die that's IT.

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