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Judith's p.o.v
I woke up with a pounding headache I heard talking saying "just give her time I know her she'll be fine" it sounded familiar but strange then I heard shouting and yelling outside I then heard doors slamming shut I then got up and looked around I was somewere different I then started to get scared nobody I knew was here I then slipped and fell it hurt really bad I felt my head it had dry blood on it I then got up and went back to the bed it looked like I've been here not to long I sat down then heard banging on the door I then qiukly got up and started to feel were my gun used to be it wasent there I started to panic I looked all around it wasent anywhere the door burst open it was someone I've never seen before and I siad "were is Dominik" he siad "he's fine but what are you doing going through our stuff" I siad "looking for my gun" he siad "well somebody wants to meet you" I siad "who" he left the room but soon came back with an old lady she siad "look how grown up you are" I just gave her a weird look she siad "oh you probly don't remember me you were only a baby I'm carol" I just stood their until Dominik came in with another girl with pink hair she glared at me she then looked at Dominik and kissed his check she then looked in my direction and siad "sorry but he's over you" I felt my eyes water carol siad "Judith follow me" I did but I don't think I'll ever get those words out of my head we arrived at a house it was really big she walked me inside she siad "well you'll be sharing a house with Maggie and Carl then glenn Sylvia and Dominik will be right next door if you need anything" I siad "thanks" she left I went upstairs and looked in all the rooms there was a black one blue one and purple I went with the black room I closed the door and layed on the bed and started to cry I thought he loved me but I guess not every thing is perfect especially my life I hear a knok on the door I wiped my eyes and ran downstairs I opend the door it was sylivia she siad "you better never even touch Dominik he's mine he was mine before this he still is mine and if I find out that something went on between you your dead".

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