finaly found you

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Judith's p.o.v
I ran into.......................................... One of the guys that got me he was wearing a with a beard he looked worried I tried to run away but he grabbed my wrist he siad "I've wanted to do this for awhile" he then pushed me down to the ground and did the same bad things the other man did but worse he then got up and ran away I was left in the middle of the woods trembling scared and getting even more scared when I hear the slightest noices then I heard footsteps big ones when I saw who it was I ran and gave him a hug and he hugged back I was really glad to see him
A/n if your wondering who it was its Glenn
he looked so happy to see me then one by one people came out Maggie,Dominik,Carl, I hugged everyone besides Carl but when I hugged Dominik I hugged him longer then Glenn and Maggie but when we were done Carl looked hurt but then we walked to the car I'm still teriffied about what just happend but I manage to hide it well when we got in the car Glenn let me sit upfront so three boys in the back what fun we all were in the back I could feel Carl looking at me we were driveing down a quiet road everyone was talking I was really tired so I put my arm on my door and layed my head on my hand I was about to fall asleep then the car jurked forward and and then I sat up looking around and wondering why we stopped Maggie siad "stay here me and the boys will be back OK" I gave her an odd look and shook my head they all got out of the car I was waching through the window it looked like they were arguing about something but I couldn't put it in words then on the other side of the car was somebody I qiukly opend my door and walked over to them Carl siad with anger in his voice "what are you doing" I pointed to the car Maggie pushed me behind her and everyone got there guns out I felt like a little kid the man siad "give me the girl" Maggie siad "why what do you want a 13 year old girl" he just smiled a dark smile now there were more coming from the woods Glenn now stood close by me carl was not at all close to me Dominik was holding my hand I had a feeling something bad was going to happen I heard gunshots saw people running but me and Dominik never let go of eachothers hand his was cold and pale mine was pale to before we saw what was going it was to late to help I was losing it all the people that were fighting were dead the one person I thought was special was a zombie Carl just disapperad Glenn and Maggie were zombies I slowly backed away from Dominik and Glenn and Maggie until I saw them again as normal people and Carl still standing there I siad "Carl" he looked in my direction with pure hatred he siad "what" I siad "I'm sorry I didn't hug you in that time I was pretty messed up and I still am since what happend I wish I could go back in time and change what happend but I can't so get over it I'm tired of you giving me glares and yelling at me I know your older and dad told you to wach me but your not doing a very good job are you and you can stop hateing me because guess what more people hate me to and I would at least want the last family member to have the decency to actually to look at me with pure hatred" he just looked away so I walked away when I was walking he siad "I still care you just are so difucualt because all you ever do is run away from your problems but news flash your not really running away your just throwing it off but the problem" I siad "so I'm the dificualt one wow" he siad "all girls are difficult" i siad "if im so difficult then why did you want me instead of mom"

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