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Judith's p.o.v
Maggie still had her gun pointed at Dominik he looked at me and I looked back then I siad "Maggie do you trust me" she siad "yes" I siad "then lower your weapon he can be trusted like me" then she slowly lowerd her gun and I walked tworad her and Dominik and he was wearing all black so I grabbed his shoulder and wisperd "follow me" then when I started walking back to the car I herad twigs snapping behind me then I got turned around it was Carl out of breath he was all bloody then when Dominik showed up trying to catch up Carl put his gun up and siad "get away" then I siad "Carl stop he's my friend" then he siad "yeah sure whatever weres Maggie Glenn needs her" then I siad "on her way to the car already and why are you coverd in blood" he siad "no reason but we have to get back to the car fast" then he grabbed my arm and started running I looked behind me to see Dominik right behind me the car came to view and we got in Carl was first then me then Dominik Glenn looked into the review mirrior and looked at Dominik who was looking at his thumbs playing with them I could tell he was nervous then we took off and Dominik wisperd in my ear "is it obvious" then I shook my head and smiled I was getting tired so I layed my head on domoinks sholder and fell asleep.
I dont know why I put my head on his shoulder just must of been an instinct I guess but when I woke up everyone was asleep except for dominik and Carl.

all grown upOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant