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I woke up in the back of the car and was alone I yaund and stretched out my arms and looked out the window and saw everyone suronding something I got out of the car smiling then everybody was starring at me with sympathy then I saw who was on the ground it was......CARL i ran to him tears falling like a waterfall down my face.
Carl's p.o.v
I was in the car everyone else was asleep except for me I looked over at Judith who looked like she was having a bad dream I felt really bad for pushing her its just she gets on my nerve and I want to hit something but I would of never hit her I just pushed her and it drives me crazy how she used to lay her head on my shoulder but as soon as he shows up it like I just disappeared in her life like I don't excist then all of a sudden I herad a lot of moans outside I looked out the window and saw a herad bumping into the car I ducked down I wisperd to Maggie "maggie" she woke up and said "what" I said "herad" she looked out the window and had a look of worry she gently nuged Glenn and he knew what was going on I left Judith and Dominik asleep it was about an hour until the herad was gone I slowly peeked my head up and saw sky I opend the door and ran away to were sky was she was running away from me I smiled and ran faster.

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