i missed you

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Judith p.o.v
I woke up in a hospital bed my head pounding then the door sqeeked I said "shut up" I heard a laugh I knew that laugh I sat up and it was Dominik I know me and him are broken up but I still love him he said "sorry to bother you but I have news" I said "ok" he looked like I'm about to punch him he said "ok so Carl went to go beat the people up who did this but he hasn't been back since" I qiukly got up and said "we have to go look for him" he then walked over and placed his hands on my shoulders and said "don't worry we have almost everybody looking for him even your dad you need to rest you've been asleep for a couple of weeks" I yelled "he's been gone for a few weeks" I pushed him aside and ran out of the room and into a long hallway and I saw a nurse she looked at me with a worried look then an alarm went off I saw a lot of doctors rushing towards me I turned the other way and started to run away I opened the door and looked behind me they were still coming I started to run again until I got back to the house I opend the door and went in and ran upstairs to my room and opend the door and saw everything gone I backed away and ran into the banester then a door opend and it was my dad he looked at me and said "they told me and Carl that you weren't going to make it so all your stuff is in the garage I ran and pushed him and ran down stairs and into the garage a bunch of boxes were in there I looked through them and found something to wear I opend the garage door and ran out to find Dominik at the front door I walked over to him and grabbed his wrist and pulled him away we ran together we ran and opend the gate and slammed it shut I stopped and said " what did I do wrong" he said "nothing it was Sylvia she threatend to kill you if I wouldn't be with her so I broke up with you to protect you but shes gone a-" I cut him off and kissed him he pulled away slowly and I said "let's go" we started to run away".

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