someone new

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Judith's p.o.v
All of a sudden I got really angry and I can't control it anymore I've been holding in all this anger in for along time when im mad at Carl I don't say anything or when I'm mad at something else I think about it in my head but never say anything because I'm not like that I don't say anything because no one ever hears me when I do.
When Maggie started walking close to me I got tence not because of her but because I just all of a sudden don't fell like myself like I'm in the same body but there's someone else's brain then before she got any closer I got up and ran away from her all I need right now is to get away from everyone ecspecily Cajrl.
As I was running thoughts rushed through my head like what about Carl and everyone else but while running I fell and a hand showed up helping me up when I got up it was a boy with black hair it was long in the front it went into his eyes he broke the silence saying "I'm Dominik" then I siad "Judith and thank you" he siad "do you have a group" I siad "yeah I'll show you follow me" I walked back to were Maggie was she must of been worried about me because she ran to me and sqezzed me to death then when she let go she must of saw Dominik because she pushed me out of the way and pulled out her gun then I siad "stop he's with me his name is Dominik"

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