not again

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Carl's p.o.v
We were outside when I saw a few walkers then a lot I told them and we ran away then when I was running I rememerd Judith I stopped and said "we forgot Judith" everyone stopped then turned around and ran back they were all gone and the door was open I said "she's gone" Maggie put a hand on my shoulder and said "well find her" I pushed her hand off my shoulder and went to the car and slammed the door everyone else followed me and we looked for Judith all day but no luck I really hope that the same thing that happend to sopia dosent happen to Judith.
Judith's p.o.v
The guy who looked scared helped me up he had a tight grip on my wrist he pulled me to a car that was black he opend the door and pushed me in and one of them got in on one side and the guy got in so even if I wanted to escape I couldn't anyway we were driving down the road it was kind of bumpy one guy put there hand on my knee I pulled my knee away because that brought back bad memory's when we got to were we were going the grabbed my shoulder and sqezzed it tight it hurt but I'm not going to say anything they pulled me into a dark room and pushed me to the ground and locked and closed the door the light came on and an man came out with an eyepach I siad "your such an idiot" he siad "why is that" I siad "because my brother is gonna come and kill you and all your people" he just laughed and walked over to me and grabbed my chin and siad "we'll kill your brother first if he ever even tries to find you" then he pushed me to the ground and siad "take her" then on cue two men came in and picked me up brought me into a different room on there way out one of them siad "don't do anything stupid" I gave them a sarcastic smile and they opend the door and slammed it shut and I could hear the little snap of the lock then I was looking around and saw a little window I got up and went to see if I could see anything or if it was unlocked it was I could see the gate I opened and slowly climbed out I looked around but did not see anything so I stood behind a building then I heard yelling and I knew there was a 99% chance of me getting out but I don't want to go through it again so when footsteps got closer I was getting ready with my knife but I did not have to use it so I ran away I qiukly climbed the fence and jumped down it hurt but I ran away I heard footsteps close bye so I ran faster and ran into............

all grown upDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora