going insane

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Carls p.o.v
When I turned around I saw someone who I thought was dead it was SKY then I turned around and hugged her really tight and then she siad "Carl what are you doing we just saw eathother in the car" then she dissaperad and it was Maggie and she had a weird look on her face then she noticed Judith and I ran to her and sat down next to her and asked "what's wrong" but I must of scared her because she jumped then pushed me away just like I did when she had a bad dream then Maggie siad "Carl can you leave me and Judith alone" then I just noded and walked back to the car until I herad a scream that sounded familiar it was sky then she yelled again "CARL" I started running in that direction it came from only to run into nothing but a memory of her again then I herad it again in my head and I yelled "get out" but it didn't help because it keep on going on then Glenn showed up and asked "dude what's wrong I saw you running like somebody was in trouble" I siad "I'm fine weres Maggie and Judith" Glenn siad "still talking" I siad "oh" then I siad "I'm leaving" then Glenn siad "why" "I need to ok I'm going insane just sitting an a dumb car all day with my dumb little sister being scared of me 24/7 because of some idiot".

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