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After that we got back in and the car was silent until Dominik said "so what's your guys names" Maggie said "I'm Maggie the driver is Glenn and you know Judith and Carl" she smiled a little smile and Dominik said "its nice to know your names" then Carl said "we wish we didn't know yours" I gave him a glare and Dominik put his head down and I put my head on his sholders then I said "I don't wish I dident know your name" he smiled and layed his head on top of mine and I feel asleep and I think he did to because when I woke up everyone in the car was asleep even Carl and Dominik I had to use the bathroom so I slowly move not to wake up Dominik but I failed because he wisperd "were are you going" i said "I have to use the bathroom" then he said "I'll cone with you because its so dark out" then he opend the door and got out and I followed after him a qiutetly closed the door and we started walking he said "do you really need to use the bathroom" I said "yes and I was going to just think after words but we can talk but if you don't want to I understand" he smiled and laughed and said "I'm good for a conversation" I smiled and my face felt hot and it was really emarassing then I said "look away" "why" "you know why" he smiled and turned around and walked away and hid behind a tree and squat down and you know what then I herad twigs snapping behind me I thought that it was a walker but it was Dominik he turned me around and said "this might sound crazy but I think I like you" but before I could say anything our lips collided together it felt amazing.

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