whats up with you

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Carls p.o.v
As me and Glenn were walking in the woods we heard a moan I looked to my side and saw Judith starring at a walker then stare at it as it fell to the ground then leaves and twigs snapped she saw me and ran away Glenn and me didn't even try to catch her because we know shes to fast so we walked back to the car and Maggie's head lifted up with concern she tilted her head to the car with Judith in it I started walking slowly trorward it but Glenn held my shoulder he mociond for Maggie to come over she got up and walked over she siad "what are we gonna do" Glenn siad "I don't know she seems like she can be in one good mood then a second later she could run off" I siad "I have an idea" they both said "what is it" I siad "maybe someone could be waching her like one day would be me and the other days would be you or glenn" Glenn siad "I'm fine with that" Maggie siad "me to" I siad "me and glenn will go on a run to get a notebook to make a schedule to watch her" Glenn siad "ok" then me and him got in one car and drove off to a close drug store by were our camp for now when we got the store there were about 5 walkers outside of it we could take them it only took about 20 minutes to take them out when we got inside I found 4 notebooks one was red another blue another black last was yellow I qiukly grabbed them and walked back to the car me and Glenn qiukly got back to see Dominik and Judith hugging I got out and stomped tword them and pulled Dominik away and turned around to see Judith just sitting there like I did not just push Dominik away then she just got up and walked away to the car and closed the door then Dominik came over and siad "all I was doing was giving her a hug because she was crying unlike you who just pushes her away" that was it I ran tword him pushed him to the ground and punched him reaped it over and over again until I saw someone smile at me it was sky but I didn't get off until I heard a sob I looked behind me Maggie was cradeling Judith I wanted to help but my anger got the best of I siad "she's not a baby" then I saw a flame go up in Judith's eyes.

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