your dead to me

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Judith's p.o.v
Carl siad "don't you even talk about her your the reason she's dead your the reason why mom and dad are dead and the only reason why your here is because mom and Shane made a mistake and she was going to get rid of you but she pucked up the pills that's the only reason why your here as a MISTAKE" all I wanted to do is punch him and I siad " if I'm such a mistake then why do you even care if I just run away and live my life away from everyone and find new people oh wait I can't you know why because I have friken bipolar brother who hates me one minute and next never wants to leave my side god Carl make up your mind either you hate me or you don't" he siad "fine then I hate you" I could feel my heart break but I kept a strait face I siad "ok" we walked to the car and sat in the back with Dominik and Glenn I fell asleep on Dominik shoulder I woke up moans I was in the car everyone was a zombie except for me but I was invisible I started to cry and say I never meant it then Carl turned around and took a big chunk out of me I then shot up to tears falling and everything Dominik was up he looked at me I hugged him he hugged back once I calmed I looked him in the eyes I then kissed him it felt amazing he then we pulled our lips away he siad "will you be my girlfriend" I shook my head and we started to kiss again that night was one of the best night I woke up the next morning in Dominiks arms Carl was starring at me and siad "you to are together aren't you" I siad "yeah do you have a problem with that" he siad "no but don't get yourself killed over him" I just rolled my eyes I layed my head back on his chest and fell asleep I woke up to Dominik and Carl yelling I shifted my body I felt doniniks hand on my back I looked up he looked mad he looked down at me and smiled Glenn and Maggie weren't in the car I siad "weres Maggie" Carl siad "she's outside" with hate in his vocie I siad "was I asking you" he glared at me before he could say anything Dominik siad "how about we go on a walk" I agreed and we got out of the car I siad "go on ahead I have to talk to Maggie" he shook his head and started walking I ran over to Maggie she had a smiie on her face I siad "hey Maggie" she looked up and saw how happy I am I siad "can't I be happy without anything happening" she siad "no now spill it" I siad "fine me and Dominik are you know what" she ran to me and sqezzed me I siad "need air" she let go and I siad "thanks but I have to go me and Dominik are going on a walk" she siad "do you guys have protection" my face got really red and I siad "MAGGIE" she laughed.

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