night conversation

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Judith's p.o.v
We were driving Dominik was asleep I kept checking on him I was getting tired but had to keep an eye on Dominik I siad "can we stop for the night" Maggie siad "sure" we pulled over I layed my head on Dominik I wasn't planning on falling asleep I had to stay up to make sure Dominik was ok. I was half asleep when I heard yelling I thought that I'm just tired and was hearing things then I heard a gunshot I looked out the window only to see the man I saw erliear with a pool of blood fourming around his head I sat back down shaking then I heard Dominik whisperd "why would you stay up all night" I whispered "so I could make sure your okay" he laughed and siad "in this world nobody is okay" I siad "just go back to sleep weirdo" he siad "I'm the weirdo that's so acriate" I just kissed him and siad "yes now go to sleep" he yuan and siad "fine but tomorrow I'm not staying in the car all day" I siad "Dominik you herad Maggie you have to take it easy" he siad "I know but if I stay in this car another day I'm going to rip my hair out" I siad "no don't do that I love your hair" he siad "is that the only reason why you siad yes" I siad "you found out you are very smart" he siad "I'm truly offended I thought you actually loved me" I laughed and siad "I'm kidding but you better not rip your hair out now go back to sleep" he siad "fine" he soon fell asleep and so did I.

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