Chapter 36

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Lucy's p.o.v

I was in Halo's apartment this morning. After her pc glitched once she got scared someone from the competition could try to get her game data as she played and got ready for the competition on her personal pc.

"Why don't you just come and game at Devil's den? We have plenty of computers."

"Thanks, but I'd rather game at home in peace. I just need to make sure no one gets anything from my pc." She said.

I sat down and did my usual thing to protect her data. It didn't surprise me that some might try that. Some hackers did have the nerve to go ahead and hack another gamer if it meant winning the competition.

"You should be fine now." I turned around in the chair. "Protected and safe."

She passed me a can of beer and opened one herself, sitting down on her bed. "I'm way too protective over this, I know. But it's my whole life."

"It's okay. I understand, trust me." I chuckled. "I get like that too."

She smiled. "I'm trying my best not to fuck up again at the competition. I'm going to make sure we win it at all costs. I know I was a bit out of it last time, but I promise it won't happen again."

I smiled. It was always nice to see someone serious about their gaming and willing to improve and be better. "I know you will. Ace and I lean on you. You've become part of the team."

She took a sip of the beer. "You guys have become my team too. Again, I'm not going to slip again. It only happened once and.." She closed her eyes and held the beer can with both hands. "My damn brother just won't give me a break. He keeps getting into trouble and his naive nature it's going to cost us another thing. And I let the last time distract me."

"Why is your brother causing you problems? He seems like a nice guy."

"He is a nice guy. That's the problem. He is too nice. He lives in a bubble that everyone is a good person, that everything can be fixed. His fucking optimism is costing me my sanity. Giving all your money to a fake charity is not helping anyone except the criminal who tricked him."

"Shit. That's..." Ah that must suck.

"All he cares is about his fucking poetry, that is thankfully selling well cause with my high school degree and my zero experience there's no way I can make a living. That's why I need this gaming shit to work."

I nodded. I kind of understood her anger. She had a justified reason to be angry and to strive like crazy to make things work.

"So is everything okay with you? At home?" She asked.

"Yep." I took a sip of my beer. My dad and I barely talked but at least we were on speaking terms now.

"And your dad who kicked you out? He bothers you?" She asked.

I sunk back in the chair. I haven't thought about that in a long time, but lately, that conversation kept popping up. But after talking about it, it started feeling like less of a depressing topic and more of something I just went through. "It's such a long story,  but he and I are on better terms now. I had a little breakthrough on Christmas thanks to Francy and managed to come to certain terms with him."

She took a sip of the beer. "Thanks to Francy, huh?"

I smiled. "Yeah."

"She is here for you then?" Halo asked without looking at me in the eye. I guessed she was embarrassed to have this conversation. She didn't seem like the type to open up and talk about feelings.

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