Face Off

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A/n: Spike Fright was skipped because I couldn't figure out how to work around that episode so let's just say Y/n and Tasha went on a small vacation together 😂.

A/n: Spike Fright was skipped because I couldn't figure out how to work around that episode so let's just say Y/n and Tasha went on a small vacation together 😂

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Adam, Chase, and I were talking to ourselves near the lockers at school when Bree come over to us with a smile on her face "Guys, you will never believe what just happened. Jake Chambers asked me to the winter dance!"

Chase and I look at each other then back at Bree in fake excitement "Jake Chambers! The Jake Chambers?"

Bree squeals "Yes!"

Chase and I both calm down "Who's Jake Chambers?"

Bree sighs and starts to explain "The only guy who's ever talked to me since people found out we were bionic. Apparently, no one wants to date a girl who they think was unveiled at this year's auto show."

Chase shrugs his shoulders and wraps an around me "Well I'm married so I'm out of the dating scene"

I smile before turning to Adam "Who are you going to the dance with?"

Adam's smile starts to drop from his face "No one." he then walks off while Chase and I follow him. Chase and I went back to the hallway and stopped once we heard Adam on the intercome "Attention students: This is your principal, Principal Perry. Please report to the hallway where Bree Davenport is making a fool out of herself in front of the boy she has a crush on."

Students start laughing while Jake turns to Bree "I'm gonna just go."

Jake walks away while I glare over at Adam when Bree walks over to us "Why would you do that?!"

I turn over and notice my husband laughing so I decided to slap him upside the head before listening to Adam speak to Bree "Hey. If Perry were alive she'd want me to do this."

I shake my head "She's not dead. She's home with a cold."

Adam shrugs his shoulders "You don't know that. She could be dead by now, and this is how I choose to honor her."

Bree groans "Well, can't you embarrass someone else besides me?"

"I could." Adam then pulls down Chase's pants causing people to laugh at Chase as he starts to pull his pants back up "But I'm better than that."

Chase and I were now In the lab after school, I was sitting on his lap while he was messing with the control panel in front of him when Bree walked into the lab "Ugh. Adam is such a jerk. I can not believe that he embarrassed me in front of Jake."

"Yeah. You were doing just fine on your own." Chase sarcastically says earning a glare from Bree "Don't worry, I know the perfect way to get revenge. I have been working on an upgrade to Mr. Davenport's cyber masks. Now they're cyber masks and cloaks."

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