Chapter 1

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🅸🆃'🆂  been six months since Estella stepped foot out of the arena. It would be a lie if she were to say she was leading an everyday life for any teenager her age.

Being the champion of the Hunger Games had its pros and cons, the bad one would be the lingering mindset that you have killed someone or tortured them to their death. The nightmares come and go as if they live rent-free in your mind. But if you look at the bright side, then Estella guesses it's alright.

Being able to live in a decent home with her family, Mr. William still managed hard. However, proven difficult to get food on the table, but it's been more easygoing than in the past. One of the purposes, why Estella is able to live a happy life despite everything, would be Aries. The older male by 2 years had taken it upon himself to invite himself into living with her and the Williams.

Something Aries would definitely do.

Mrs. William at first wasn't impressed by Aries, he spoke his mind, and wouldn't hesitate to run into her face when she was being too harsh with Estella. But the more time he spent with the family, the more he won over the woman.

On the other hand, Mr. William loves Aries. Always wants a son, someone as brave, bold, and daring is his ideal image of a son. Aries being raised without knowing his parents grew a loving heart for the man.

Lastly, Susan. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William who took Estella in after her parent's death is someone truly cherished by Estella. And he acknowledged that he had to be cautious with his actions and words and be likelier around Susan if he wanted to remain close to Estella.

But in every way, Aries is felicitous to live in the Williams household.

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Currently, the winner of District 5's tributes is leading back home from a prompt pleasure walk in the forest. Aries did his hunting for tonight's dinner, while Estella merely company him. The weather was perfect for a stroll, and she was feeling more at ease with Aries who was carrying a bag of dead animals, and walking a bit ahead of her.

Estella was smiling at the male's back; she felt a bit more at peace and less anxious. The reason why she is acting up more than usual is that Dennis and Iphegina had come back to District 5 a week ago about a Tour Day.

Six months after each Hunger Games, the Capitol requires the victors to travel throughout the nation of Panem with their mentor, escort, prep team, and stylist. The tour kick-off within District 12, going down each district number skipping the victor's respective district and ending with a grand party from President Snow.

Aries gazes over his shoulder, seeing her dazing off in her dull eyes. He grinned and gently grabbed her arm to get her attention. Estella was blushing a bit, but she didn't want to make a big deal out of it. "Estella, you're drifting off again, come on."

Estella's vision became more obvious when she heard his voice. She immediately snapped back to her senses and looked at him. "I'm sorry." She was hampered at herself for being so absent-minded. Aries smiled softly at her, "Don't be. I've seen you do it before, it's just something that happens to you when you're nervous."

Estella smiled back; she was grateful that he didn't make a heavy deal out of it. "So, you're nervous about the tour?" / "I can't face District 11." They halted in the path as they reached their home, both not wanting to talk inside as the conversation was something deeper. Aries slumped his bag filled with animals of his hunt on the parched ground. Her words made him remember Thresh's death and Rue's along.

They both know the tour was something unfair, having to say such mono-tone hurtful words while the death of the family members stood on a platform, overpowered to hear and reminded of their children's loss.

"We'll get over it. Together." Aries's voice was steady, but Estella could see the tremor in his voice. She smiled at him. "I'm glad you're here ."

As soon as they stepped foot in the house, everything was so chaotic. Aries took the lead with their hands intertwined. Iphigenia is commanding around the prep team since Poppy isn't around for help, people dressed in vibrant colors that didn't fit with District 5's concept stood out like a sore thumb.

The male let out a groan, feeling his energy being drained away already. Estella efficiently soothes the male down, "You better get some rest, you look exhausted. I'll handle Iphigenia." He smiled, feeling thankful as he knew that he just might strangle the woman if he stood anywhere near to his sight. But Estella's idea was flushed down the drain.

Dennis stood up behind them. His hand was on each of their shoulders, with a fake smile as he spoke in a warning tone, "We have company." Just as Dennis said, two peacemakers come out from hiding gesturing for the pair to follow after them. Aries had his guard up immediately scowling at them while Estelle read their mentor's eyes for an explanation.

Estella took the step first, dragging Aries behind her.

One of the peacemakers took the lead while the other was behind Aries. They weren't in normal white head-down clothes, but instead in fully coated black and weaponless. They lead them to an unused office. As the pair walk in, they shut the door behind them.

Estella let her eyes wander the room first. Taking in its structure. It was a large room, with a large desk and chair in the center and a set of shelves along the length. A desk lamp was placed on either side of the desk. The room was full of papers, books, and folders, something that was probably used in the past.

The two marked how the two peacemakers standing at the side of the room, one on either side. Aries is the first to see the presence, with him nudging Estella carefully on her side. Not to startle her yet in a warning way.

President Snow.

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