Chapter 32

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🅼🅴🅰🅽🆆🅷🅸🅻🅴 with Aries (Before everything that happened with Estella)

Time and space lose meaning as the fog seems to invade their brain, muddling their thoughts, and making everything unreal. Some deep-rooted animal desire for survival keeps Aries stumbling before Finnick and Peeta, continuing to move and taking the lead with Mags on his back, although he had his maniac smile and gleaming creepy laugh through the action.

His teammate seems to not notice his concern for Estella, his mind invading him with negative thoughts about the girl he loves dead in this forest. If that were to happen. Parts of him are dead, or clearly dying just from thoughts.

Moonlight glinted on Aries's hair, beads of searing pain peppering his back from Mag's uncomfortable sitting. Everyone follows behind him, Finnick somehow collapses on the ground, Peeta still on top of him. Aries groan glancing behind seeing as if Katniss seems to have no ability to stop her own forward motion and simply propel herself onward until she trips over their prone bodies, just one more on the heap.

"Can they get any more stupid," He thinks. But the thought is abstract and far less alarming than the current agonies of his body to find Estella, "GET THE HELL UP!" Aries manages to drag Finnick on his leg. Glimpsing at the wall of fog, which has taken on a pearly white quality.

The mist seems to be transforming. Yes, it's becoming thicker, as if it has pressed up against a glass window and is being forced to condense. Aries squint harder carefully placing Mags on her feet. In fact, it has stopped moving forward entirely. It seems as if it has reached the end of its territory. Either that or the Gamemakers have decided not to kill them just yet and that simply thought made him scoff.

Those exhausting run, leap and all, Aries was able to carefully lead the group further from the poison mist as they all crashed and landed into an eerie lake that somehow magically heal those venom blisters.

He watches as everyone crawls their way into the water healing themselves until the water turned murky white. Being the only one uninjured, look around with growing awareness of how dangerous a position they're in. It's night, yes, but this moon gives off too much light for concealment.

In just a short time his allies enjoy themselves in the water, having fun as if it might last much to Katniss's enjoyment.

Aries become aware of the change in their surroundings. Put it down to years of hunting and loneliness in the forest back in his district, or maybe his reconstructed ear does work a little better than anyone intended. He senses the mass of warm bodies poised above them.

They don't need to chatter or scream. The mere breathing of so many is enough.

Aries almost flinch when he felt Katniss touch his arm as she follows his gaze. "I don't know how they arrived so silently," Katniss whispered before turning in silently to gain Finnick's attention but Aries knew better, perhaps they didn't. They all have been absorbed in restoring their bodies while Aires was too preoccupied with Estella in mind.

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