Chapter 35

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"🅶🅴🆃 up," Katniss ordered, shaking Peeta and Finnick, and Johanna awake while Aries softly went up to Mags with Estella glued to his side by his command.

There's enough time to explain the clock theory to them, but Katniss is her impatient self. About Wiress's tick-tocking and how the movements of the invisible hands trigger a deadly force in each section. Katniss was able to convince everyone who's conscious except Johanna, who was naturally opposed to liking anything she suggests.

But with Estella's help, Johanna was able to see the logic here, even though she agrees it was better to be safe than sorry. Wiress nods at the blood rain. "One-thirty," she says. "Exactly. One-thirty. And at two, a terrible poisonous fog begins there," Aries said, pointing at the nearby jungle. "So, we have to move somewhere safe now."

Wiress grins and stands up obediently at Aries's words, glad that it finally hit the group what she was trying to clue out. "Are you thirsty?" Estella hands her the woven bowl and she gulps down about a quart. Mags gives her the last bit of bread and she gnaws on it. With the inability to communicate overcome, Wiress's functioning again.

While Aries helped Estella with gearing up, checking over their weapon as the group talked about some kind of 'wire' Beetee had brought with him. Aries notice how Estella has a worried look glancing into the water, "What is it?" Estella gave him a small smile that clearly hid her worry. "Nothing," Bucking her belt of knives tightly around her waist, "The water seems to be picking up speed."

Aries was about to reassure Estella but Finnick spoke loudly to gain the pair's attention too, "I'd like to go to the Cornucopia and watch. Just to make sure we're right about the clock," says Finnick. It seems as good a plan as any. Besides, everyone wouldn't mind the chance of going over the weapons again.

They all walk down the nearest sand strip, approaching the Cornucopia with care, just in case the Careers are concealed there. Aries and Estella stay at the back of the group as always. Everyone kept their eyes on Careers, however, Katniss kept doubting they are because they'd been on the beach for hours and there's been no sign of life.

The area's abandoned, as Katniss expected. Only the big golden horn and the picked-over pile of weapons remain. When Peeta lays Beetee in the bit of shade the Cornucopia provides, he calls out to Wiress. She crouches beside him and he puts the coil of wire in her hands.

"Clean it, will you?" he asks. Wiress nods and scampers over to the water's edge, where she dunks the coil in the water. She starts quietly singing some funny little song, about a mouse running up a clock. It must be for children, but it seems to make her happy. "Oh, not the song again," says Johanna, rolling her eyes. "That went on for hours before she started tick-tocking."

Ignoring the squabble, Aries pulled Estella to the side with Mags from everyone else. As the older woman wanted to continue their lesson during the training days to cheer up the mood. Estella has been relatively quiet since she arrived and this much made Aries extremely fearful as in the past this was an early sign for her to forget everything.

Suddenly Wiress stands up very straight and points to the jungle. "Two," she says. Everyone follows her finger to where the wall of fog has just begun to seep out onto the beach. "Yes, look, Wiress is right. It's two o'clock and the fog has started." Katniss had the brightest smile ever she was right.

While everyone went with their own world, Katniss was busy looking around and noticing everything, especially Johanna. Despite her annoyance at Wiress, Johanna seems so happy since the start of the arena when she comes up with a pair of lethal-looking axes.

It seems an odd choice until Katniss sees her throw one with such force it sticks in the sun-softened gold of the Cornucopia. Of course. Johanna Mason. District 7. Lumber. "I bet she's been tossing around axes since she could toddle," Katniss mumbled under her breath.

It's like Finnick with his trident. Or Beetee with his wire. Rue with her knowledge of plants. She realizes it's just another disadvantage the District 12 tributes have faced over the years. That was until her eyes fell open Estella and Aries, District 5

District 5 is known for its power and electricity. Although Estella and Aries represent their district fairly well in power, yet somehow weren't. District 5 is one of the wealthiest districts in the world and not far from those Careers yet, there stood Aries and Estella who seemed like they came from an internally different world.

They didn't act or dress rich, and despite being overpowered they didn't join the career nor wanted allies. In their first hunger game, they kill themselves generously despite their great survival skills. And the up-making rebel? They didn't even care.

As a result of this, Katniss has become suspicious of them, but to date, they have not given her any chance to go after them in any way. They seem like simple young adults appreciating their time with the knowledge it will be their last.

"What're you staring at?" Katniss blink a few times; it seems that she zones out staring at the pair. Aries was glaring daggers at her, his swords gripped tight in his hands. Estella had tilted her head, confused and curious yet her arm was out and ready to stop Aries from harming anything or anyone.

"Sorry," Katniss mumbled, quickly looking away as he left the pair to talk amidst themselves as she went to Peeta and surprisingly Mags who was scribbling something on a piece of paper before passing it to her.

Giving a wondered look before reading the paper, "He's on his edge. Estella too." Katniss understood, Mags asked her to give the pair some space, something seem to be bothering them. "I will."

Minutes turn into hours for everyone. As Johanna and Finnick join them in the discussion about their next move, it was a pretty long one. They all nodded in agreement about something, and that's when they notice it. The silence. Their canary has stopped singing.

Katniss doesn't wait. She loads an arrow as the twist, gets a glimpse of a dripping-wet Gloss letting Wiress slide to the ground, her throat slit open in a bright red smile. Career has arrived, and due to shock, nobody seems to move that was until a suddenly crashing Aries crashed into their view with a struggling Brutus trying to avoid his sword.

"What the fuck are you doing!"

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