Chapter 38

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🅵🅸🅽🅽🅸🅲🅺 catches Aries's arm before he can run after him, his size and weight should be more of a challenge for Aries to fight back. "No. It's not them," Finnick yelled trying to get the male head straight. His challenge grew more when Katniss heard Gale yelling for her, causing him to have to stop two young victors from pursuing the voices.

The man starts pulling Aries and Katniss downhill, "We're getting out of here!" But the voices are so full of pain that they can't help but struggle and reach for it. "It's not him, Katniss! It's a mutt!" Finnick shouts at me. "Come on, Aries! Work with me!" He moves them along, half dragging Aries and half carrying Katniss until she can process what he said.

Katniss was able to come to her sensing quicker than Aries. But that doesn't change the fact that it is Gale's voice, and somewhere, someone has made him sound like this. Aries had even stopped fighting Finnick, and like the night in the fog, they tried to flee what they can't fight. Only this time it's their heart and not their body that's disintegrating, hearing their loved one cry for them as they run away further. 

Katniss catches sight of Peeta, Mags, Beetee, and Johanna standing at the tree line and she's filled with a mixture of relief and anger. Why didn't Peeta come to help her? Why did no one come after them? Even now Peeta hangs back, his hands raised, palms toward us, lips moving but no words reaching. Why? The wall is so transparent, Finnick and Aries had run smack into it and bounced back onto the jungle floor. Katniss was lucky since she was slow behind the males.

Aries's shoulder took the worst of the impact, right on his fragile scar. Katniss swear she heard a horrible crack from the bone, whereas Finnick hit face-first and now his nose is gushing blood. 

This is why Peeta and Johanna and even Beetee, who Katniss see sadly shaking his head behind them, have not come to our aid. Mags was seen crying and mumbling something. An invisible barrier blocks the area in front of them. It's not a force field. You can touch the hard, smooth surface all you like. But Peeta's knife and Johanna's ax can't make a dent in it.

The trio understood that they will be trapped like rats until the hour passed.

Peeta presses his hand against the surface and Katniss put her own up to meet it as if she can feel him through the wall. She sees his lips moving but she can't hear him, can't hear anything outside our wedge. Try to make out what the others are saying, but Finnick nor Aries could focus, so Katniss just stare at his face, doing her best to hang on to her sanity.

Then the birds begin to arrive. One by one. Perching in the surrounding branches. And a carefully orchestrated chorus of horror begins to spill out of their mouths. Finnick gives up at once, hunching on the ground, clenching his hands over his ears as if he's trying to crush his skull. Katniss tries to fight for a while. Emptying her quiver of arrows into the hated birds. But every time one drops dead, another quickly takes its place. And finally, she gives up and curls up beside Finnick, trying to block out the excruciating sounds.

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