Chapter 22

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Estella watches from the corner of her eyes as Aries presses buttons for the system to work. Her heart is hammering fast, just like when she was in the arena. Taking a deep breath, Estella adjusts the belt of knives on her hips and the bow on her palm. The weight of the lethal weapons bows makes her shoulders ache.

Other tributes had gotten interested in their competition but ventured to hide it as the Career stood behind her and Aries in a mocking facial expression, not believing any faint in Estella at all.

Walking her way towards Aries, as Cashmere and Gloss stood beside them. A piece of cloth in their palm ready to blind them. As per the deal and a balanced game, the Career has a chance to blind their sight.

Estella glowed at the Career, moving her eyes at Aries to glare as she wasn't fond of this contest, however, the male merely awarded him a cheeky grin. "I'm putting my trust on you, Stella," Aries spoke, Cashmere tying the fabric behind his head, blinding him as a bat.

"Well, you put too much trust on a person you met in a year," Estella hissed at the end of her sentence when Gloss deliberately fastened too strongly. "That's a fact," Aries spoke, "but I'm glad it wasn't a mistake." / "I guess," Estella hissed.

Cashmere and Gloss lead them in the middle of the machine, Estella let all her focus on her ears as she imperceptibly flinches when they slam the door close. They all heard the sound of the gears grinding, and then the whirring noise rose in volume, and the whole program started.

"Hate to say that I'm a bit disappointed with this machine," Aries said, adjusting his form, feeling a little vulnerable due to his lack of senses to save him. "I really wanted to fight real people and not hologram." Estella rolled her eyes, knowing full well that Aries can't see it nor anyone but her aura gave the obvious. "I'll definitely kill you once we get out - move!"

Aries is instantaneous to Estella's order as he swiftly moves to his right as Estella dispatched an arrow just an inch from his chest to the hologram's heart. Immediately the sound of the hologram disintegrates into the floor. "I feel like my life just flashed before me," Aries spoke, his voice muffled by the fall of the hologram.

Estella's heart is racing fast, her palms are sweating, and her chest is heaving. "Sorry, Aries," Estella was quick to respond to which the male shook his head. She didn't need her eyes at all to know that Aries dementor had once more changed. A criminal in lust for blood as the sound of him rotating his arm pinched her ears.

Without any warning, Aries shoots off to his feet. Estella comprehended that she won't be able to control Aries as he let his body control his movements, she keeps her ears on his footstep. Estella let out a sigh, expecting this from a mile already.

"4 o'clock above you..."

"On your left, sword."

"Duck under, an arrow..."

"An ax coming."

Estella merely furnished the male instructions of holograms coming in his direction, sometimes Estella would have to intervene when she knows Aries won't be able to handle much with his eyes being useless. But one thing, Estella never moved from her spot.

"Punch him."

Estella heard a loud thud, Aries' fist hits the hologram, sending a loud thud to the floor. She didn't need to know that Aries is now fully in charge and begetting a blast with his every aggression.

While Estelle merely kept an ear out for Aries, she was almost distraught when a fleeting ax came solely by a few to her head. The owner of the ax is near her and it would be unnecessary to waste her energy on a long-distance flight when the hologram commences and punches toward Estella.

She barely gets her head out of the way just in time to avoid a full-body assault from the hologram. Estella is on the floor, her back is on the floor, her back aching due to the weapons being set behind her. Managing her quick thinking, Estella applied her strength and kick the hologram a few steps back to get her on her feet again.

Estella's heart is racing fast but she's able to calm her nerves. She can sense a few more holograms at a distance from her and Aries is busy with his prey. Knowing she won't be able to the few to running to her, especially with the one that tackles her down in still before her.

She let out a small sigh, her hands fumbling to her sides as she releases her belt, tying it instantly around the hologram's neck area before her as she pulls it, launching it nearer Aries. "Behind you, 6 steps."

As she left the hologram to Aries's care now, Estella knew she won't be able to stand still and let Aries do most of the deal. Now with her knives gone and merely 2 arrows left. Rushing to her feet to meet in between the two weapon hand holograms.

"6 o'clock above you."

"Left, a spear."

Estella kept her mouth busy with words for Aries, her ears multitasking between Aries and her problem, her body protecting her as stabs one of the holograms with the edge of the bow. As she took the bow out, the sound of the hologram crumbling sounded like bliss to her ears.

Swinging around before stretching out an arrow right towards the hologram that is a good meter away from her, anticipating an immeasurable second for the right moment as her ears kept track of everything.

When she released the arrow, it shot right through the hologram's head and towards another hologram's back that stood behind Aries with his sword out ready to kill him. With the speed of a snake, Estella wraps her right hand around a new hologram's neck, she twisted the hologram's head until a good snap as it disintegrates in her hands.

"Aries, the last one. Running on the edge towards your left." Estella felt a quick breeze when Aries run past her to the last hologram. "It's mine..."

Estella didn't care as she kept her ears up to the sound of a brutal punch and the crumble from the hologram. Just like that, the machine lit up, signaling the end of the game. Aries was the first to give himself his sight and imminently notice the crowd gathering around the machine with tributes.

Aries felt so proud and urges to show Estella off more when he detected the look of horror and misjudged facial expression from the tributes towards Estella who choose to ignore the eyes and went to pick up her weapons.

Before Aries went to help Estella and give her a compliment feast on her skills, he made firm eye contact with the Careers. Aries had a taunting look as if he dares them to challenge the girl again. Katniss and Peeta who had watched felt chills at how quite yet deadly Estella moved, like a snake. Nothing compares to Aries's ways who are bold and loud, like a beast.

Mags had a smile at them, clapping like a proud mother while Finnick had a smug smirk which Aries shunned as he still can't get what is going through the handsome male's mind, almost like Estella who was opened when needed.

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