Chapter 5

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🅰🆁🅸🅴🆂 and Estella are currently snuggling in Estella's room from within the moving train. Her room is a suite of her own. It has a bed, a sofa, a dressing room, and a bathroom. It's not much but it's the best that was given to her, they've been living on the train for a few days now.

Aries had given Estella the chance to rest and recuperate, she needed it.

The whole tour is like playing a game of trying to catch Estella and Aries to break down, it's probably what other districts had hoped, wanting to know their true attention. But the pair gave them a challenge, giving mixed reactions and in the end, would always get them more loathing.

Aries didn't care, he was putting himself and especially Estella first. But he knew, those reactions from the districts did hurt Estella more, but the girl was keen on keeping a straight face. Letting Aries do most of the talking while she would only add a few more fuels to the fire along with an innocent smile.

They had just finished the last district in their schedule, the Career district had a more definite vibe to it than the others. They either stare at Aries and Estella in pure hatred or admiration for beating their tribute. Even a girl that barely hit the age of 9 had confidently told Estella she would volunteer with pride.

"... Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever," Estella had suddenly spoken in such disgust. Aries had to chuckle, seeming down to see the girl sufficiently awake. "Has the fake smile taken a toll on you yet? I feel mine starting to get permanent." Aries said in a teasing tone.

Estella let out a light laugh, Aries was still the same, she was glad it didn't affect Aries all this drama, cause when the day comes, Estella wasn't sure if she would be able to stay sane.

Aries stood up and took a seat on the sofa, Estella laying out like starfish on the bed to stretch her sore limbs. "Since you are up. Dennis told me something very interesting and I thought we should watch it together."

Estella's ears perk up at Aries's tone, it must be really interesting, standing up and getting two beer bottles before taking a seat beside Aries. Feeling cold they snuggle together as Aries turn on the TV, taking a beer from Estella.

The TV had a news feed that showed the Capitol then Flickerman. Aries pay attention to the footage while Estella merely stares in boredom. "Just when you thought things can never get more exciting! Our two lethal lovers have... my favorite expression..." Flicker spoke, stopping to laugh along with the crowd.

"I can never get his joke." Estella in honesty while Aries laughs with Flickerman. Aries put his arm behind Estella on the sofa while his other hand with the beer pointed to the TV, "The fun part is coming."

"... a new twist in their love affair. Let's take a look!" Flickerman went up to the other side of the stage, showing a screen that had Estella choking on her beer. Peeta had proposed to Katniss who had the fakest shocking expression ever.

"Oh, god. I feel second-hand embarrassment for them." Estella cover her eyes from the screen but her eyes kept peeking out in disbelief. Aries laughs at Estella's comment, "I can't believe Peeta went with it. Man must be truly in love with Katniss."

Don't take it wrong. Aries and Estella, themselves are to selling their love story to the capital but at least they knew it was genuine, plus, they were going at their pace. Not letting President Snow or the capital take a toll on their relationship.

On the other hand, they knew Peeta is in love with Katniss but the girl clearly doesn't fully.

Estella shakes her head, "It's so fake. I'm surprised the public hasn't caught on by now." Aries's laugh dies, he was serious about Katniss and Peeta, "The only one they aren't fooling is us and President Snow." Estella looks at Aries, she was surprised to see his eyes were serious. "Talking about President Snow, how do you think the district views us now?"

Aries stare down, right into Estella's brown eyes. He's still holding the seriousness in them, "After the speeches, I'm pretty sure the district has seen us in a light that does support Katniss and Peeta's rebellion but I doubt that they have full trust in us."

Estella nods, her mind taking in the information and detail but there is something bothering her, "Aries, whose side are you on?" Aries chuckles, "Neither side, I'm neutral." She looks at Aries, not sure if he's joking but she isn't going to push it. Aries seeing her still questioning face, explain everything to her.

"I don't agree with President Snow most definitely. If given the chance I won't hesitate to put him down. However. I'm not on Katniss too as that would cause the death of loved ones and innocents. But I don't approve of the world we are living in. So... neutral."

Estella nods, she was glad she had Aries to talk to. She was feeling a little lost with all this. Aries reaches over to the side table and pulls out a pack of cigarettes, offering her one. As a surprise, Estella tells him, "I don't smoke." Aries chuckles, "I know, but I thought you might want to." He lights one up and chuckles again, "Besides, you are too young to die from smoking."

She puts out her hand, "Give me a cigarette."

Aries rose his eyebrows, with a teasing smirk before shaking his head, "Not giving 'em princess. You got to get used to the smoke first." Aries cups Estella's jaw with his free hand, pulling her close to him. Blowing out a puff of smoke into Estella's face and mouth. Estella coughs as Aries chuckles, "You're going to get used to it then I'll give you one."

Her eyes close as she gives in, her mind was trying to make sense of everything but Aries's hands were soothing her. Aries's eyes feel on Estella's lips, it just did, automatically he brushes his lips against hers, softly. Estella's eyes opened, and she was astounded to see Aries's dark cold eyes upon her innocent ones, "... Aries?"

"What would you do if I kiss you now?" Aries' voice was low and deep, his voice was seductively soft. Estella's eyes widen, she didn't know what to say, she didn't know much about kissing. Aries saw her lips quiver, "I want to kiss you, so damn bad."

Estella's eyes widened further; she didn't know.

Aries moved closer, ready to smash their lips together until a motherly voice broke their intense trance, "Children! It's time to eat!" They both stare into each other eyes, Iphigenia's voice lingering in their brain before they burst into a fit of laughter.

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