Chapter 37

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"🅻🅴🆃'🆂 get off this stinking island," Johanna says finally. But there was still this awful silence between everyone. Katniss notice how Johanna was as hectic as Aries, looking around for signs of Estella. Finnick kept quiet as his ears were stern on listening to Aries's yells and Meg's mumbling attempt in the quiet arena. Beetee had even held his head down, morning for a friend.

Katniss finally sees that the people here never saw Estella as their enemy. Despite the girl having the upper hand, more skilled and smart, yet, here everyone was saddened at her loss. Finnick strips off his undershirt and ties it around the wound from a knife made in his thigh; it's not deep. Beetee thinks he can walk now, if they go slowly, so Katniss helped him up.

Everyone decided to head to the beach at twelve o'clock. That should provide hours of calm and keep them clear of any poisonous residue. And then Peeta, Johanna, and Finnick head off in three different directions. Clearly, the spin had caused everyone confused with time.

A small argument accused as everyone tried to show they were right. They circle around the Cornucopia, scrutinizing the jungle. It has a baffling uniformity. Katniss tried to remember the tall tree that took the first lightning strike at twelve o'clock, but every sector has a similar tree. There's no way to tell where anything is. "I should have never mentioned the clock," Katniss says bitterly. "Now they've taken that advantage away as well."

"Only temporarily," says Beetee being his kind self. "At ten, we'll see the wave again and be back on track." They ended up randomly choosing a path and taking it, having no idea what number they were headed for. When they reach the jungle, they peer into it, trying to decipher what may be waiting inside.

"GET OF ME!" The sudden enormous voice of Aries shocked everyone's silence. Turning around from the jungle behind them stomps out a very enraged Aries. The male didn't even bother staring at his so-called allies, instead had pushed Mags into Finnick's hold, yet, everyone saw how he was trying his best to be careful with the poor old woman.

Just before Aries could step away from the group officially and never see them again, maybe even declaring them as his enemy. Which would be a huge disadvantage for them. Mags had quickly pushed Johanna to stop the man, seeing that personality-wise, they both were the closet.

The others watch carefully from a distance, Aries was much more harsher and physical with Johanna, yelling and screaming at her, even throwing hands but Johanna seems to handle him well. Peete had joined in, hoping that his pleas and sorry would calm the man down, but mostly due to guilt knowing that Estella might be dead because of how vulnerable and useless he was.

The argument doesn't seem to be settling down, and Johanna and Peeta had ended up holding Aries down the best they could. As a result of all this, it would have been better if they had not intertwined, and although Finnick has a build that would make him a better candidate for holding a male like Aries, they had other plans in mind.

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