Chapter 21

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🅲🅰🆂🅷🅼🅴🆁🅴 coughs out, hoping it won't show in his voice that he's scared as he put out an unaffected face, "We're just testing her. Nothing serious, just all fun and game." Estella rolled her eyes as the other Career took a step back, taking the dagger out from Aries' bleeding hands gently and instead putting a handkerchief to place a stop to the blood flow.

Aries was not amused by the other man's actions; he wasn't sure if he was going to maim the other man or kill him. Although he doesn't want another earful from Iphigenia, Dennis would fully support his action but Iphigenia is the type of mother Aries hate the most to anger as she would have a disappointing look.

Peering between the careers thoroughly, Aries isn't simple-minded, he knows they were performing all this to put Estella in her place, estimating her too easily because she doesn't fight back.

Aries glanced at Estella, despite someone threatening her, the girl wasn't much bothering, more instead trouble for his harmed hand. Assigning the sword away from Cashmere's neck, Aries had his intense sneer, abandoning his sinister mask as an approach pervaded his brain.

"Let's not lie. You think Estella her is a lamb surrounding herself with lions and wolves." Aries began, his voice very firm and steady, his eyes never leaving them, "You think she's an easy target." Aries takes a few steps closer to the pack, approaching them halfway.

Cashmere had a sense of unease and was more than annoyed by the others. Despite having a lot of weapons, he was slightly worried since he knows Aries could win barehand. "You like games? I love them, why not play one right now?" Aries said, raising the sword to the side of his head, "We'll show you who's the lamb around here."

Estella started at Aries; she knew that he was being serious. But her amusement was slowly fading away as she felt the blood in her body began to flow faster. Understanding where Aries is going to take this.

Aries points with his sword at the station Katniss had previously used to show her skills, he can't ask the trainers and peacemakers as they have put a distance from him. "She will play that, hard mode. I'll join-" Aries was cut with fits of laughter from the Career which ticks his anger but he played along, for now, beaming as he waits for them to compensate down.

Estella had her hands on her hips, her arms crossed, her back straight, and her face was a mix of sarcasm, amusement, and anger. Her eyes were locked on Aries, she was about to say something to him but she decided to wait for his next move.

"I'll join-" Aries began, his eyes still locked on the pack who were all standing in front of him with a sneer and scoff, "I'll go barehand, she goes with weapons-" Brutus stops him by cutting over his sentence, "You go barehand or whatever, you'll still win and shield this scanty little girl. Do you think we would look up to her that way!"

Not being able to constrain his temper anymore, Aries swings his sword above and digs it uncomfortably into Brutus's neck, the dig was so profound that a trail of Brutus's blood flows down the sword. "Why don't you shut up and let me talk," Aries spits his words like it was venom and causes most that were watching to shiver.

Cashmere could see the anger in Aries' eyes as he had a chilly and ruthless look on his face. "Blindfolded..." The Career stare at Aries in question, even Estella before it clicks to her, "We both will be blindfolded." The Career survey between themselves, heeding that Aries is being earnest with this while Estella had dragged Aries into a silent hissing bicker.

Aries not going to change his mind, even when Estella talks her out of it which she is habitually really excellent at doing though today, Aries is very determined for some reason that it's been bugging Estella.

"What's wrong with you? I told you I don't want to fight nor showcase anything to the other tribute. They saw enough in the previous game." Estella's voice was a little bit irritated and annoyed; she didn't want to play the game.

"Well, it's not enough for them. They are obviously domineering you! They see you as some kind of human bribe! I don't like it!" Aries said with a sneer, his anger gradually releasing onto Estella and he hates it. Estella took a deep breath and decided to be mature when since both of their rages are conveying their mindset.

Resembling down at her feet, she is felicitous that Aries is doing this to show everyone just wherewith powerful and worthy to be his partner. It must be disturbing him that everyone is looking down at her. Placing her hand on his chest, Estella gestured to Aries to take a deep breath so they could have a rational conversation. "I just don't think this is a good idea, Aries."

Aries rolls his eyes, "I don't think you got a say here when you're literally at the bottom of the food chain and the first in the kill list." Aries curse at himself, he knows that was too harsh when Estella is just adjudicating to keep it low, apologizing as soon as his sentence is finished which Estella appreciates.

"You're right. It's not a good idea. You might gain more enemy..." Aries held Estella's hand with his bleeding one since the other is occupied with the sword, he had a pleading look, "But I despise seeing them look down on you. Please, just today. It's the last training day."

Estella is about to protest but she's interrupted by a voice. "Changing your mind? I shouldn't have put so much expectation on you, you're all bark no bite!" Gloss had scoffed out, rolling her eyes at Estella as if she expected that much from the younger girl.

Aries bites down his lips to suppress his laughter, perceiving that it was enough to trigger Estella's wrath to play this game. Estella lets out a snarl, "Let's get this over with. I'm not wasting my whole energy to impress a bunch of idiots."

Aries followed suit after a fierce-looking Estella with a skip in his stride, like an excited puppy to be in action once more with Estella. Aries had a wicked grin, "I'm glad you're in a better mood."

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