Chapter 31

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🅴🆂🆃🅴🅻🅻🅰has been traveling through the trees, avoiding the land and ground as she had her way to get to the arena. Her mind is a mess, she couldn't stop herself from crying, she is so ashamed that she didn't try harder in persuading Poppy to continue living. She got the confirmation when Dennis sent her some bandages and the note of her death.

Estella had tried to hide it, but she couldn't keep the tears from flowing. No matter if anyone peers at their, Estella looks pretty stable, however, when you're in earshot you can hear her heart-breaking cries for her friend.

Resting against the tree, the shade perfectly hid her from untrained eyes as well as potential wild animals. Estella took a deep breath, calming down herself as she listens to the bird's chirp and the wind swaying through the trees.

She was thinking, about Peeta, Katniss, Mags, and mostly Aries. What is he doing? Where is he? Did he get the news? "Johanna! You need to be quiet!" / "Well, you're yelling too!" Estella had a strong grip on her knife, as she listened discreetly from above as the tributes chatted amidst themselves. Tilting her head slightly, only to meet eye contact with Johanna.

"Oh, look what we got, an angel in the sky" Johanna sounded out to Estella which caught Beetee and Wiress's attention to her, "Are you going to stay up there forever? Why not join us?"

Estella scanned the troop carefully, Johanna's long hair was now chopped up horribly up to her shoulder, and Wiress kept muttering the word 'tick' and 'tock' on repeat while Beetee looked like all his energy had been drained out.

She debated to herself if she should trust them, she didn't have a long choice when a group of unexpected was a good distance from them. Johanna is clueless as she attempts to get Estella to join her in a group loaded with 'nerds', Beetee and Wiress too don't seem to spot them yet as the male strives to keep Johanna calm.

Deciding to risk it, these people seem harmless unlike the one approaching them, she swiftly gets to her feet, and without hesitation, she jumps off the tree and right in front of a speechless Johanna.

Estella slaps her palm onto Johanna's mouth as she mutters, "Intruders." She gestures for Beetee and Wiress to follow her as she drags a hyper Johanna. She leads them to a slightly open area in the forest, Beetee took note of how Estella made sure they avoid a few places in an open area and how she purposely snapped on twigs loudly to lead the other tributes to them.

Estella is trying to keep her voice low as she speaks, "We'll be saved here, you have to keep quiet, Johanna, please." She releases Johanna, shoving everyone into a slight dent in a tree that should cover their presence from the enemy. "A pretty girl asks, a pretty girl gets," Johanna winked at Estella as she continues to cover her mouth, knowing she would be noisy.

"What's your plan here Miss Perez, if I may?" Beetee had asked formally as they never knew each other and out of manners and respect despite being older. Estella looks behind them, taking note of how Wiress is still ticking away but in whispers. Beetee seemingly is the only one to have a conversation without being caught.

Estella smiled at the male, motioning him to ease up around her, "Well the idea is-"

A loud snap that sounded much more emphatic than fireworks and screams cut Estella's sentences, wincing everyone as they began shaking their heads to locate the noise. Estella is the only peaceful one as she took out from hiding first.

The three follow suit after Estella, everyone shocked at the sight before them. A huge trap had been set off that seem to be made of scratch but was stable enough to hold two grown adults that are squirming to find a way out.

"Whoa!" Wiress's voice was pitched up in a whisper, amazing. "Now, this kind of nerdy stuff, I accept." Johanna grin as she bounces on her feet to gather all the essence and weapon that's been dropped by the tributes in the trap.

Beetee turns to Estella, leaving Wiress and Johanna to enjoy the things to be collected, "I impressed, that's an amazing trap you set up." Estella smiled, "Thank you, I'm glad you like it, but we have to get out of here now before the real danger comes." Gathering everything they needed, they set off on foot.

Johanna likes the new company as she would glue herself to Estella's hip and shamelessly flirt with her. Beetee enjoyed having someone with whom he could learn new things while Wiress continue her ticking in a more sparkling tone.

The night sky was somehow becoming much lighter yet dull as if the time was rushing, that's how all they have walked in the forest, the clouds professedly blocking the light from the sky and moon. By the minute, the air seems to get hotter as everyone's thirst grew rapidly.

Johanna whines for some liquid to drown in, Estella kept careful of her words because just as she said that, a drop fell from the sky along with rambles.

Everyone cheered, gathering their palm to drink the possibility of it raining, no one choose to second guess how easy this is all due to dehydration. Estella watched as Johanna stuck her togues out drinking it in peace until Beetee called out, "Blood! Its blood!"

The drizzling blood no longer drizzles as its full-on pours onto everyone, drenching everyone in hot red blood. Estella gags out, along with everyone, spitting the blood at the most they can.


The sound of the cannon halts everyone for a good second, frozen in disturbance, and with more urgency, they all grabbed their things and ran.

Estella grabs a hold of Wiress's wrist since she is the slowest as Johanna shouted out orders to head to the beach. They run as they can, Wiress and Estella are the ones that have disastrous stamina, trailing behind Beetee and Johanna as they run like crazy.

In the distance, they can hear the cannon's roar again. Beetee is the first to spot the beach, he stops running and took a deep breath, "We're almost there, a little longer," He went to help Wiress, perceiving Estella struggling.

Everyone came stumbling and rolling onto the sand once they reach the beach, the sound of waves crashing calms the nerves down a bit. Johanna had vomited at the far corner due to the hot smell of metallic blood being stronger now in the open.

"Tick! Tick!" / "Someone, shut her up or I will!!" Johanna yelled out, pulling her ax out in a threatening manner to Wiress. Estella sluggishly catches her breath, giving Wiress something to divert the older woman's attention that allows Johanna to calm down.

Rolling her back on the sand, she tries to calm her senses and ignore the disgusting smell of blood-drenched on her clothes. It's like her nose has become a sponge for blood. It all comes rushing back to her as she closes her amber eyes, the cannon, the blood rain, the smell of blood, and the danger they were in. It's all too much to take in.


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