Chapter 11

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🅰🅽🅾🆃🅷🅴🆁 luxury meal had been served for lunch; Iphigenia had called everyone out for a 'family' meal. Dennis and Iphigenia chatted about the reaping and the games, Dennis at one point spoke out about his thankfulness and concern for Aries for volunteering. Promising to be the very best mentor for them.

Aries being Aries, reply with a sarcastic remark. Earning him to be sprayed by Estella.

"Now, children, listen. Everything will be different because it's the Quarter Quell. The Capital has spared no expenses. A new training centers. New tributes Living Quarters. And of course, a very special arena."

Iphigenia took a deep breath, eyes on her victors to memorize their features and flaws. Aries's eyes were on the table in front of him as he listened to Iphigenia's speech, he was staring at his hands, and his mind was blank. Estella on the other hand merely lost, focus on reality.

"This year, you will be facing other victors. Capital's favorites. Smart, cunning, and skilled. And most importantly, they know one another." Dennis, spoke out next, seeing his tributes tensing a little. Not due to fear, but rather curiosity. "You two are the outsiders. I want you to forget everything you know about the Hunger Games. Last year was a child game..."

Aries passed Estella some sweets, distinguishing that the girl has a big sweet tooth. Estella smiled at him and thanked him. Both now fully listening anymore, knowing the point of this conversation is that Dennis and Iphigenia want them to get allies.

"... You are dealing with experienced killers."


"It's not about trusting each other. it's about staying alive." Haymitch, forces his two tributes, Katniss and Peeta to the living room. A screen showing every tribute from every district for the 75th Hunger games.

"Cashmere and Gloss. Brother and sister from District 1. They won back to back game. The capital loves them! Lots of sponsors and lethal!" Haymitch becomes going down, breaking down each tribute for Katniss and Peeta. The two sat on the sofa, watching carefully and listening thoroughly.

Haymitch clicks the remote, showcasing another pair, "And the other half of the Career pack, Brutus and Enobaria." Katniss frowned in disgust, catching the female tribute's sharp shark teeth. "What's with her teeth?" / "She had them filed into fangs. So that she could rip through people's throats," Haymitch went on and on, all districts had been broken down into their points and flaws.

His grimaces deepen when the screen portrays Aries and Estella reaping. They won't like Katniss and Peeta who were worried when they got reaped. Aries was unbothered, gesturing to quickly get the event over with, or like Estella who had smiled like any other victor but hers was so sweet and innocent like a child.

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