chapter 11

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"dinner is served" Jimin smiled, placing the spaghetti he had made on the table. It was accompanied with some meatballs and hot sauce, Ji-yoon having potatoes with his

"thank you Dadda" Ji-yoon smiled, his little legs dangling from the brown chair he was sitting on. He smiled, taking the fork in his hands as he stabbed the meatball, placing it in his mouth.

Yoongi smiled, taking a napkin as he softly swiped it across the younger's bottom lip. Ji-yoon smiled, nodding his head as he continued eating.

Jimin smiled as he watched the interaction, tears brimming his eyes as he thought about Ji-yoon asking him where his Appa went and why he hasn't been home.

Yoongi softly took Jimin's hand in his, giving it a quick sqeeze. Jimin looked up, blinking his tears away as he tilted his head at the meatball that was held up infront of his mouth.

"open up" Yoongi sadly smiled, Jimin nodded his head, opening up his mouth as Yoongi placed it inside.

After the dinner, the two males had tucked Ji-yoon in, the younger requesting that they read him a bedtime story before the go off to bed.

Yoongi complied, taking out one of the younger's books as he read him a his favourite books in all kinds of diffrent accents, the younger laughing the whole time as Jimin just fondly watched, laughing along with the younger.

" wanna watch a movie?" Jimin asked, getting the pillows ready on the floor. He had thought of building a ford but he was way to tired so instead he improvised .

He had simply placed alot of pillows on the floor, accompanied with some fluffy blankets and fairy lights, illuminating the dim room.

It was full moon tonight, so the curtains were pulled away, letting the beauty shine through.

" come here" Yoongi smiled, pulling the younger onto his lap as Jimin rested his head against the olders chest.

His back was currently facing the olders chest, giving him a chance to watch the movie while also being in his lover's arms.

" you smell nice" Yoongi commented halfway into the movie, causing the younger to giggle while he stuffed the olders mouth with popcorn.

"focus on the movie" Jimin instructed, looking up as Yoongi looked down at him, planting an upside down kiss on his lips, making the younger giggle again.

" will do captain" Yoongi smiled as he pulled away, lowering himself to get more comfortable. Jimin shook his head, a big grin on his face.

" that was absolutely terrible" Yoongi groaned, his legs being dead from laying down for so long.

" was not, you just didn't pay attention" Jimin sigh, feeling tired but he wanted to spend as much time with the older as possible.

" alright love" Yoongi smiled, snaking his hands around the younger's waist, pulling him closer to his chest.

Jimin hummed, struggling to keep his eyes open.

" you can go to sleep love" Yoongi stated after some time, finding it adorable the way the younger kept blinking his eyes to try and stay awake.

" wanna stay up" Jimin mumbled, turning around as he snuggled his head into Yoongi's neck, inhaling his scent. The older smiled, softly running his hands through the younger's hair.

" you know, i always wanted to have sex surrounded by fairy lights" Yoongi joked, laughing once he felt Jimin slap his bicep.

"not having sex" The younger slowly mumbled, the tiredness of the day finally settling on him.

Yoongi hummed, kissing the younger's crown as he covered them with one of the fluffy blankets, Jimin trying to protest that he didn't want to sleep now.

"It's already midnight my love, I'll be here when you wake up" Yoongi hummed, wrapping his arms tightly around the younger's waist.


"i promise, I'll be right here" Yoongi smiled, leaning down to plant a soft kiss against the younger's lips.

"m'kay then" Jimin nodded, finally letting himself drift of the sleep, believing that the older would still be holding him in his arms when he wakes up.

"right here" Yoongi told himself, letting out a sigh as he let sleep come over him


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