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Y/n' POV

I woke up due to the sunlight hitting my face and I cover up my face with the blanket reached my face, I tried to go back to sleep but I just cant anymore. I decide to walk towards the bathroom and wash up then about to get out to have breakfast. Ajumma was up early to make breakfast. The smell of delicious food reached my nostril and I was excited to walk to the kitchen while humming a song but when I reached the kitchen I was surprise that it was not ajumma.

Instead it was Jimin cooking with his apron holding a spatula on his right. I blinked my eyes a couple of times to be sure that I am not seeing things but it was really jimin. I walked towards his direction then he turned to face me once he heard someone approaching. He flashed me with his cutest smile, his eyes was slightly disappearing and greeted me good morning. I was still surprise to see him, what I know is he was in germany but he was here, am I dreaming?! I thought.

He engulfed me with his arms once I reached near him and pecked my forehead. He then pinched my cheeks playfully saying that I was not dreaming. He told me to sit on the stool and wait for him to finish cooking but being a stubborn wife I insisted on helping him then we end up cooking together not to mention how we messed up the kitchen with the flour scattered on the floor due to his silliness throwing flour playfully on my face and I did the same too.

"Babe why did you not tell me that you'll be back so soon? I should've prepared something" I pouted. "It would not be a surprise if I told you and I miss cooking breakfast for my wife" he said cutely and went near my big belly placing a kiss. "Our baby was so aggressive while you're not around maybe she misses you're voice" I said while I run a hand on my tummy. He smiles at me and was about to say something but was cut of when he saw my reaction, the tingling pain hitting my lower back once causing my eyes to close to endure the pain. He came near me worry was on his face he guided me to sit on a couch while running his hand on my lower back and the other one was holding my hand caressing the back of it to provide comfort but we didn't reach the couch and my water broke suddenly and the contraction is hitting me so bad than earlier causing me to grip on his hand tightly. He panicked and dash inside our bedroom to grab the necessities we prepared for the baby once shes delivered. He was in a rush running from upstairs towards me then assisted me towards to car and drove off.

He was tensed the rest of the ride, his hand never leaving mine caressing it and keep kissing the back of it and steal glance on me from time to time. The nurses laid me on and preceded to the delivery area. I cried because of the pain Its ripping me apart but jimin's soothing voice keeping me sane. He was there through out the delivery holding my hand firm and kissing my forehead while he run his hand through my hair. Dr. Lee encourage me to breath and push harder but I just can't I'm loosing strength. "I can't, I can't do it Jimin" I cried, He was scared that I am loosing strength and has the will to give up " No babe you can do it just one last push, I know you can baby, you are brave, I love you... I love you, you can do it for our daughter.

I gathered all my strength and and gave one last push, I was griping so hard on jimin's hand not minding if I break his bones, I know it was hard for him also to see me in this state but he stays strong and never leave my side. I breathed heavily and there I heard my baby crying before I passed out.


I was nervous and worried about my wife and my child, I can see how my wife struggled to deliver our first daughter. I was anxious the moment she said she can't but I tried my best to be her strength, I was on the verge of breaking out when I heard my baby's first cry. "Its a healthy baby girl" the doctor said. I can't explain what I just felt, I am now officially a dad. I took glances of  Y/n lying unconscious when the nurse handed our newborn. She's really beautiful like her mother. I cant help myself from curving into smile while I rock my baby side to side.

Y/n was transfered to a privated room and I was busy admiring my daughter when the boys arrived. I was a little bit sad that dad was in germany for his treatment and I know he was excited to see his grandchild, he always ask me how is Y/n doing and when will be the due date of her delivery. I never mentioned to Y/n about my father's condition it would only stress her out knowing that they get along really well together unlike with my mom.

The boys ask to take a hold of my baby and I let them, they were so happy too. My baby cried maybe she was hungry or something then Y/n move a bit squinting her eye open and it landed on our daughter. The boys greeted her for having such a beautiful baby girl and she smiled in return. I pass her our baby girl and was lost looking at her beautiful feature. "She got your eyes Jimin and her lips, she got your pouty lips" she complimented. The boys excused their selves and I was busy admiring her side profile while she is rocking our baby in her arms. She made me the luckiest man alive.

The door burst open revealing jungkook and her dad. They congratulate me and Y/n. Jungkook said that she got her pointy nose but Y/n argued with him playfully claiming that her daughter got her pointy nose bridge. I laugh with her silliness so as her dad and jungkook.
Time flies really fast and now I am really excited to take them back home and take care of the both of my girls.

End of  Chapter 21

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