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We got home after a long drive from mom's house Kiana was taking her nap at the back seat and Y/n just stayed silent the whole ride she looks really exhausted.

I then proceed running a bath while she take Kiana to her room and sleep. After I got freshen up I went out of the bathroom  and Y/n was lying on her stomach in bed.

I was topless only the towel that was hugging my waist that was covering my body then I came near her running my hand on her back and ask her if everything's alright, she just hummed in exhaustion then I proceed to the closet to put some clothes on and get back to bed giving her a massage to relax her body.
She then thanked me and proceed to bathroom to take bath after and we settled in bed cuddling with each other after.

3 weeks later

These past few weeks I was really occupied with my works and new projects, I needed to double my effort considering that I drop my partnership with yoona's dad company that hold a big opportunity to raise my company high up but I didnt regret doing so because I have my wife and daughter back with me.

I noticed that these past few days Y/n was acting weird Kiana also told me that she somehow wants to play with her but she was always exhausted that I somehow agree with.

She wasn't like that before, she always wake up early before us but now me and Kiana often left with her still on bed and when I get home she was already asleep.

She always invites Jk to fetch Kiana after school and play with her. I sometimes thought that she might get tired of taking care of us.

I was on my swivel chair drown on my deep thought when my phone buzz, I pick it up and it was mom on the phone, she was inviting me to come home for her birthday, Yes you heard it right she only invites me, I just don't know why she despise Y/n that much ever since we got married she never treated Y/n right. I wanted to hate her but she is the only family I have. I just acted cool because it slip my mind that the next day will be her birthday and I was planning to get her flower as a peace offering.

I then drove home to inform Y/n for our visit to my mom's house, she was lying in bed back facing me when I enter our bedroom, she then turn to me right away after she heard me approaching. I pecked her lips before I run a bath and get myself comfortable to wear.

She was sitting on the bed resting her head on the headboard all focused on her phone. I plopped in bed laying on my stomach while I cling into her waist, but still she was all focused on her phone. "Yaaah, are you just going to ignore me?" I whined like a child  "hmmm what is it? I'm all ears" she said while running her fingers on my hair scratching it lightly. I then snatch her phone and hide it behind my back while she tried to snatch it away from me.

She sigh in defeat after and crossed her arms on her chest. "Okay.. now what is it" she said pouting

"Kiss me first before I tell you" I said with a smirk.

"Forget about it" she said then laid in bed.

"Yaaaah" I whined and snaked my hand under the blanket, I hug her figure form behind then I told her about mom,she then turn towards me worry was evident on her face.

"Its okay I understand if you dont want to come" I said running my hand on her arms.

"I would come with you, its your mother's birthday, dont worry" she flashed me a smile.

"I dont know what I did in the past to deserve you, I love you and Kiana" I said looking deep into her eyes, she never show me that she hates mom even after what she did to her, my wife really has a gold heart and I am lucky that, that heart beats for me.

"I love you too Jimin, just dont leave my side" she replied.

She then snuggled her face on my chest then demanded me to hug her tight and give her a kiss. She was clingy these past few days but I dont mind cause I'm enjoying it anyway.

Y/n's POV

I woke up early in bed and I kept touching my head cause I felt a bit dizzy then I rush to the bathroom because I feel like throwing up.

I don't understand why I'm feeling sick these days. I walk out of the bathroom and Jimin was up rubbing his puffy eyes with his hand. I walk closer to him and he pulled my by my wrist making me sit on his lap. He buried his face on my chest hugging my waist while I run my fingers on his hair. "Why you up so early?" He asked and I can feel his breath in contact with my skin, "I dont know these past few days I've been feeling so sick". He lifted his gaze looking at me in the eye worry was evident on his face. "Should we visit a doctor?" He asked and I laugh how he over react, I trap his mochi face on my hand squeezing it lightly  "don't over react babe, its just nothing and it would be better if you give me something" I pouted.

He moved his hand from my waist to my bare thighs caressing it. "What is it? What my wife wants?" He asked soothingly. I pouted and pretended to think while blinking repeatedly and he chuckle on how childish I act then I widen my eyes when he pecked my pouting lips quickly, I was about to ask him to give me a kiss but I dont think I can ask him for that anymore, I can feel my cheeks getting hot due to blushing with his sudden action, I hit his chest playfully only to earn a chuckle from him "what was that for?" I asked him pretending to be mad.

"Why? Cant I kiss my wife? I have all the right and I cant help it your pouting cutely in front of my face" he said pinching my cheeks. I chuckle and buried my face on the crook of his neck while he turn his hand back and forth caressing my thigh. "I was about to ask for it though" I whispered audible for him to hear. He pulled away from the hug and placed both of his hand o my cheeks holding it in place then he showered me with kisses. I cant help but laugh on how he was acting. He laid me on bed while he was on top of me still showering me with kisses playfully. "I can give you millions if that's what you were asking for" He said between peck. "S-t-op Jimin oh my god, stop" I said between laugh then we both halt when the door burst open revealing Kiana. "Mommy, daddy what are you doing?" She ask cutely "come here sweety help mommy I said while Jimin was still of top of me "oh! my baby come here" Jimin said then Kiana run to him while he get off me and scooping Kiana on his arm but he laid Kiana right away on bed beside me showering her with kisses right after and tickling her sides while they both laugh, I cant help but laugh with them. I can see how Jimin loves our daughter and he is really a hands on dad that I could never ask for more.

"Mommy help" Kiana said between laugh then I ticked Jimin's side causing him to lay on his back then Kiana sit on to of his belly while I help her tickle Jimin. The room was filled with our laugh and I wish I could pause the time and enjoy the sight of us laughing like there were no tomorrows.

End Of Chapter 28

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